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Regional children's home in Uralsk

WKO, Uralsk, MD. Builder, 38A tel: (8-7112) 234943 234677 Fax
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Regional children's home in Uralsk

Regional children's home in Uralsk

Good day, you are on the page of the Regional orphanage in Uralsk. During the period of work, a lot of children were brought up, who now work hard and study for the benefit of the Motherland. The rich history of our kindergarten has been created for many years, providing an influx of new traditions and values. We process and systematize information, analyze the received materials and information, and create a full-fledged curriculum from them, which ultimately allows us to create a fully educated generation. The orphanage was founded in 1999. At the moment, 35 orphans and children who need attention and care are being brought up in the orphanage. The children's home has excellent conditions for additional education — there are needlework, vocal, choreography clubs, sports sections and much more.

Most of the communication children receive not only within the walls of the orphanage, but also outside it. Our institution has the opportunity to send children to camps where they can take a break from the school year. The camp is located in a picturesque area where children from the orphanage spend their annual holidays. The camp has everything for children to relax and have fun in nature. We have the opportunity to help any children in difficult life situations thanks to you, those who do not spare their money to help others.

In our orphanage, any child will find something to do, will be able to reveal their talents, find friends and girlfriends. Experienced teachers and psychologists will help the child in education, and most importantly — the person will get shelter and an opportunity for a new life. We are located at 38A Stroiteley street, Uralsk. Phone: +7 7112 23-49-43.

If you have witnessed the misuse of child labor or found orphaned children, please let us know.

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