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multidisciplinary College Edilmed

Kommunalnaya street-4; Zhetysu district, Almaty city8 (727) 256-97-30 8 (727) 256-95-31
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multidisciplinary College Edilmed

multidisciplinary College Edilmed

A multidisciplinary College Edilmed - educational institution of higher rank. Here they are trained in all popular areas, and the necessary skills for further work. Our goal is to train professional and highly qualified specialists who want to improve their level of knowledge and build their own well-planned future. We have innovative ways of development, our own educational system and all the necessary equipment for research. What is required of you is a desire to learn and develop skills for your future profession. We teach: teaching, medicine, computer science, pharmacy, accounting and auditing. We strive to become a leader in the field of secondary special education, and create a friendly team in the market of qualified specialists.

Every year our students become prize-winners of city Olympiads,city scientific projects and sports competitions. By creating an active team of students, we gave them the freedom of choice and provided them with all the necessary equipment to achieve any goals. The teaching staff consists of highly qualified specialists who provide not only theoretical knowledge, but also actively promote practical ones.we create jobs for everyone to consolidate the educational program and prepare students for the professional labor market. We have a system of penance for showing activity during training in our College. And we do not forget about internal events-and they are organized by our students. Trainings, discussions, conferences are held and collective groups are created. All students ' wishes are taken into account at each meeting, where students also participate. Our goal is to develop the skills of future specialists: responsibility and independence in choosing decisions, working in a team and defending their position. Methods of conducting the educational process have to adapt to changes in the domestic market, apply innovative and popular approaches to work, and do not forget about the quality of training. This is why our teaching methods have been repeatedly noted by the Ministry of education as "a non-standard and innovative approach to the educational process". And educational work will continue to develop, creating competition in the market.

We want to prove that training can be cheap and high-quality. We are looking for talented people who will help us take education to a new level. It is important for us to create a strong connection between partners in order to reach unprecedented heights and contribute to research work. Our College plans to create its own research and development corps to introduce the latest technologies into our lives. Our values are friendship, respect and excellence of education in our country. Our plan is to move only forward!

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