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Humanitarian-technical College universal multiprofile in Aktobe

Aktobe city, St. arynova, 1 +7 (7132) 22-41-48, +7 (7132) 962658
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Humanitarian-technical College universal multiprofile in Aktobe - Colleges на образовательном портале

Humanitarian-technical College universal multiprofile in Aktobe - Colleges на образовательном портале

Welcome you to visit our Humanitarian-technical College universal multiprofile in the city of Aktobe. We are located at Aktobe, street arynova, 1, phones admissions +7 (7132) 962658. We are the source of manpower for the specialty 'computers and software', 'Primary education', 'Social work', 'Construction of roads and airfields', 'Law' for many years, and our graduates are well-known in Aktobe and Aktobe region region in General. In the school there are many rooms to explore specialties, a fully computerized classrooms. We prepare specialists in the field of financial and technical education, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our institution is a complete approach to practical work. Discounts are available to students who graduated from high school on 4 and 5, as well as students to students in well at our College.

Upon completion, graduates receive a state diploma. You will be able to continue training in higher educational institutions of our country and abroad. Our graduates always find good jobs due to only one of our College, as no other does not prepare employees for our unique specialties.

For admission to the school must pass random creative examinations on General grounds, when entering after eleventh grade, a certificate of UNT is not required.

Waiting for you and your documents are highly skilled in our school and hope that the training in our College will bring you essential knowledge and will help later in life.

The minimum cost of 88,000. Phone confirmed.

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