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Humanitarian and technical College in Zharkent

Address: ZharkentPhone: 8 (72831) 5 16 06
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Humanitarian and technical College in Zharkent - Colleges на образовательном портале

Humanitarian and technical College in Zharkent - Colleges на образовательном портале

Humanitarian-technical College in Zharkent city starts its history in 1993, a technical school, he was since 1930. Despite the name change, the College maintains its main purpose — preparing highly qualified teachers. For 87 years, more than 12,000 students have completed school and are working not only in Kazakhstan but also in other countries.

Today we are a learning center with social and experimental system of training. In our complex study of 1300 students. Their first impulses do young professionals, participate in Amateur performances, becoming musicians and singers.

In the Classrooms of our College has over two hundred computers, half of which has access to the Internet for lessons online. Material-technical base of the College has all the necessary for learning and entertainment. This is a gym, a dining room, a large library, a dormitory for 400 people and over 20 different clubs and creative studios.

The pride of our College is two of his own ensemble 'Aizhan Kyz' and 'Akabak'. Skills students can practice on manufacturing practice, which takes place in the schools of our city, there are also special programs which allow students to master certain professions Manager, administrator of a hotel complex technician and educator of preschool institutions.

For admission to the school must pass random creative examinations on General grounds, when entering after eleventh grade, a certificate of UNT is not required.

Waiting for you and your documents are highly skilled in our school and hope that the training in our College will bring you essential knowledge and will help later in life.

Хаидар Ахмаров 11/05/2020

все класно очень хороший колледж много замечательных преподавателей и знание дают на должном уровне

Ержан Т. 09/05/2020

Жаркент жогаргы гуманитарлык техниколык колидж Оте керемет

Лена Г. 26/03/2020

Качественное образование, дружный коллектив.

Толеш С. 19/03/2020

Отличный колледж

Турсунжан М. 02/09/2019

Самый лучший колледж

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