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Republican higher medical College

Kaldayakov street-54; Medeu district, Almaty city
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Republican higher medical College

Republican higher medical College

Today, the Republican medical College is one of the main medical colleges of our Republic, it trains thousands of students in 8 specialties of secondary medical education, more than 2 thousand undergo annual retraining to improve their medical skills and nursing. For qualified training, they are trained by experienced teachers with more than twenty years of experience, as well as middle-level specialists, doctors and candidates of science. The teaching staff is faced with the issue of a quality approach to education, based on internal changes in the market, the downturn in the economy and other factors that contribute to a change and innovative approach to the educational process and improve the quality of training in nursing. One of the ways to develop our tasks is to introduce innovative technologies in the educational process. Thanks to this way, an information technology center and a center for monitoring the quality of educational services in professional practice were created, and a modern automated information system was successfully implemented. The system combines and creates a link between all structural groups of the College, provides a complete information exchange of data, improves the educational process, provides communication between other educational institutions, personnel and educational resources, popular methods, which allows you to monitor the quality of services provided, the skills of students, students and teachers. In the system of monitoring the quality of services, all necessary measures are provided for preventive maintenance. We created a method for evaluating students, which greatly simplifies the conduct of exams and collecting statistics. To remain in demand in the educational market, an educational institution needs to respond professionally and quickly to external changes in the labor market.

Nowadays, all medical institutions in our country need highly qualified specialists who are always ready to get acquainted with new technologies and improve their skills. These include, first of all, updating primary health care, creating a healthy lifestyle, restructuring and shortening hospital discharge times, expanding the volume of humanitarian aid and rehabilitation centers, setting up departments with various degrees of treatment and care, organizing urgent visits and providing first aid. Thus, the modern system of medical education requires a review of the educational and program process, improvement of classrooms for research and industrial practice, and provision of modern equipment, simulators and dummies - to create a real situation for the development of the necessary skills. In order to improve the quality of training of specialists, we decided to combine the efforts of medical colleges in the country to achieve a common goal-to create a market for qualified specialists. 17/03/2021

Так себе местечко

Денис 13/02/2021

Люди вообще не заинтересованы в студентах, приш л узнать насчет поступления ни кто ни чего не объяснил, всем все по хрен

10209СНЛ 15/12/2020

При поступлении и адобтировании в колледже сдружились со своей группой. Преподователький состав понимающий и поддерживающие в трудный момент учёбы, приподносят знания по мере возможности понятно и раскрыто.
В колледже проводятся спортивные игры, соревнования между курсами на уровне колледжа, города и области, также мероприятия связи с праздниками.

Анастасия 15/12/2020

Колледж предлагает особо интересные и быстро обучаемые профессии в области медицины. Впечатления об обучении, в целом, положительные. Преподаватели всё доступно объясняют.

Али 15/12/2020

Не ходите туда!!! ОЧЕНЬ ПРОШУ!!!

София 15/12/2020

Выбрала это учебное заведение, так как оно более перпективнее остальных. После окончания учёбы, есть больше вариантов для трудоустройства в дальнейшем времени.
Во время обучения на занятиях и при прохождении практики приобрела первичные профессиональные навыки, и получила практический опыт работы.

Арафат Бахыт 19/11/2020

Отличный коледж

Zhansaya Kuandyk 28/05/2020

Колледж просто вау

Ильхам А. 01/03/2020

Отличный колледж с хорошими преподавателями объясняют все хорошо и внятно я учусь в этом колледже в 1 курсе

сакен к. 16/02/2020

Учился здесь при союзе. Теперь работаю в этом здании.

Ирина П. 12/02/2020

Очень хотим здесь учиться

Мурат Айтжанов 13/01/2020

После смены руководства и смены названия стало уже не очень

bdking g. 08/01/2020

Отличное учебное заведение

MaximDtattoo 15/11/2019

Удобное местоположение в городе

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