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Karaganda College of arts named after Tattimbet

Karaganda, street Komissarova, 36 +7 (7212) 41-05-59, 41-07-29&</
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Karaganda College of arts named after Tattimbet - Colleges

Karaganda College of arts named after Tattimbet - Colleges

The College of arts named after Tattimbet in Karaganda, was founded in 1997 in result of reorganization and merger of several music colleges. For twenty years the College has trained more than thousand specialists for 19 professions. 'Piano', 'Russian and Kazakh instruments', 'Singing', 'Pop tools', 'Pop singing', 'Music Theory', 'Choral conducting', 'Director of public pageants', 'ballet dancer', 'Actor's art', 'Choreography', 'arts and applied arts and library'.

The excellent teaching staff of our educational establishment, is notable for its constancy — a lot of the 240 teachers working for more than 20 years. Over the past five years, the College has prepared more than 40 laureates and graduates of international competitions of young performers.

The College has its own orchestra, choir and vocal ensembles, is required for admission to write the application, to provide a medical certificate 086у, a certificate of secondary or secondary incomplete education, 4 photos 3x4, ID, 2 folder, 2 envelopes, 1 College-ruled, 1 music book, 10 sheets of writing paper.

Upon completion, graduates receive a state diploma. You will be able to continue training in higher educational institutions of our country and abroad. Our graduates always find good jobs due to only one of our College, as no other does not prepare employees for our unique specialties.

For admission to the school must pass the exam of KTA on a General basis, when entering after eleventh grade, a certificate of UNT is not required.

Waiting for you and your documents are highly skilled in our school and hope that the training in our College will bring you essential knowledge and will help later in life.


Илья Горбунов 07/07/2020

Уш л оттуда спустя пару месяцев обучения. Много грамотных педагогов в специальности фортепиано, но что касается общеобразовательных предметов и контингента учащихся то тут вс прям очень плохо. Программа строится на уровне образования людей, приехавших с разных пос лков и пригородов, поэтому остался крайне недоволен ею

Шахназе Ильясова 30/07/2019

Все хорошо , учусь там , но зимой холодно . И очень хорошо слышно как играют инструменты .

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