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FIZMAT ACADEMY educational center

Bukhar Zhyrau Boulevard, 361 floor Koktem 2, Bostandyk district, Almaty city+7‒701‒963‒23‒12; +7‒777‒689‒00‒66
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FIZMAT ACADEMY educational center -

FIZMAT ACADEMY educational center -

FIZMAT ACADEMY educational center-welcome to the place where you can learn the truth of school education. We will make your training clear, simple and interesting-everything for your development in education. Our center differs from others in that we use an excellent individual approach and provide educational material from famous intellectual schools.

we guarantee you high results, the quality of the work done, and a variety of creative abilities for each student. We provide services: school preparation, language learning, early development assistance, distance learning, creative teen clubs. Our specialists make training diverse and combine practice. To develop the creative potential of each student, we provide many opportunities for the implementation of tasks. This allows each child to find their own way and apply their experience to work. We make education more accessible and give only important and valuable information to study. Many school programs and manuals are usually aimed at the next level of training, and children do not always cope with this pace. Our center solves this problem - our training methods can save you from gaps and complex topics. Learning will become clear and understandable, and your child will want to learn new information and be the most successful in the class. Come to us, we welcome everyone!

If your child has difficulties in learning school subjects, do not delay this - further training will become less effective. We help you complete the school curriculum for a child, but in clear and simple words, so that the child understands how easy it is. Our teachers also prepare students in certain subjects that are not always possible to study. So, we can help you in learning the English language. This is an important subject to study, which allows you to expand your horizons and your abilities. We will make training effective, so that each of our students will learn the basics of language proficiency. Our method will allow you to delve into the basics to understand the meaning of language learning, and successfully develop in the future. We will train even the smallest children-they will be able to develop their speech skills and improve their mental abilities. For the most active students, we create children's and youth clubs that will develop creative and intellectual abilities, and diversify your horizons. Our training has become more accessible - we conduct distance learning. If you want to study the material at home and spend more time on it, our online classes will facilitate your learning. You will be able to study every day, ask any questions and receive material in digital form. We have everything for your full development. Our trial classes will prove to you that we can do everything!

FIZMAT ACADEMY - your reliable friend in training, who will always come to your aid!

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