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StudyRoom educational center

235 Nazarbayev Avenue; Bostandyk district, Almaty city+7‒707‒210‒51‒15
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StudyRoom educational center

StudyRoom educational center

StudyRoom is a professional team of teachers who implement common goals in current education-achieving the highest results. We offer all types of educational services for any age group.

Everyone praises us for our professional educational activities, originality, creative and individual approach of teachers in training. Our training is conducted by highly qualified teachers using modern and individual methods. All our classes are held according to a specially developed program, taking into account the wishes of students and the specifics of companies. Our partners are repeatedly convinced of our professionalism and reliability of the educational process. We conduct master classes, seminars, conferences, and thematic circles to give students educational freedom. They can participate, hold events, apply practical knowledge, and learn new things. All our methods are based on continuous testing, learning practical material, and applying skills in practice. We constantly monitor the educational market, which allows us to predict the behavior of educational activities.

We provide foreign education, conduct training in the Czech Republic and Britain, and then give European diplomas to all graduates. We prepare popular tests for knowledge of foreign languages, which allows you to enter any educational institutions around the world. Most students want to learn the language as quickly as possible, forgetting about the quality of assimilation of the material. To avoid such situations, we divide the material into simple and understandable units, which are passed in stages. For lagging students, we conduct tutoring to master the learning materials. Everyone can take training in groups and groups, as well as master individual methods of our center. The entire educational experience passes the testing stage to move to the next part of the material. This allows you to display the percentage of progress and create a rating of the best students. Each month, parents will receive a percentage of their child's academic performance. At your request, we can increase or change the level of training.

For students and employees, we have corporate programs, foreign language studies, preparation for international certificates. There are also summer programs where you can travel abroad for the purpose of an educational program. Preparation for entrance exams of national and state Universities and specialized schools is carried out. All our attention. practical skills are given to fully immerse yourself in the educational process.

Come to the trial session to find out your level. And you choose the method and approach. StudyRoom is an educational center where everyone will learn something new and successfully apply it in life!

Yelena Sheptunova 31/07/2019

Уже в течении 5 лет мы посещаем центр StudyRoom. Уроки английского, продленку и лагерь. Вс просто отлично. Мы очень довольны работниками центра.

Стас Ш. 15/04/2019

Дружелюбный персонал, а так же грамотные специалисты!

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