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training and tutoring center Study

Kurmangazy street-48A; Almalinsky district, Almaty city+7‒707‒704‒00‒13
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training and tutoring center Study

training and tutoring center Study

Ustudy training and tutoring center is a great opportunity to prepare for the upcoming exam and improve your knowledge in various subjects. We conduct a lot of test tasks, provide a large amount of training material, and allow you to choose the learning process for each student. We have a large team of Ustudy training centers located all over the country. For your convenience, we have online versions of our tutorials to make learning more accessible. In addition, we have created our own method of online learning - you can study at home, receive and complete homework on the site. And only we have an online platform for passing the trial unified national testing. All our services are described and available on the website. Take a comprehensive test with us, and take the result in a few months.

To ensure that the educational process is productive and complete, we have equipped our office with an innovative training base: a computer class, up-to-date tests, new equipment, and created our own platform for distance learning. Our center combines traditional and distance learning, which allows you to increase the flow of students. We assign students according to their level of knowledge, and create groups of six for maximum efficiency. All our training material is available in digital form, and the learning process and knowledge assessment is carried out online. Our teachers with many years of experience will find an individual approach to everyone, and always help in difficult situations. All our methods and programs are relevant and have great success throughout the country. An innovative approach to education is the only way to increase demand in the educational process market. We have released a large number of students who successfully passed the exams. Motivation, commitment, overall development, and concentration are the main principles of our work, because they will be useful in the future. Our center provides all the opportunities for full-fledged training, monitors the quality and academic performance. Employees conduct a full-fledged report to identify problems in the program, and then post types of management reports for the tested institutions. So, we have created our own independent testing center so that everyone can take advantage of the opportunity. Our online tutoring allows you to increase the flow, reduce the time for organizing and conducting tests, and increase the training time.

Our goal is to provide students with all the knowledge they need for successful admission. If you want to improve individual subjects, we will prepare an individual stage of training for you, and if you do not know where to start, our experience will make the right choice. A comprehensive program that will expand your horizons and allow you to distribute the load during training. Weekly tests will point out gaps and avoid them in the future.

Come to the trial session and find out your level of training. We will help you prepare for the future !

Rauan K. 22/10/2020

Возле здания каждую ночь тусуются наркоманы и алкаши

Гульмира Сембиева 26/02/2020

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