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6D041500 - Sculpture

6D041500 - Sculpture. Profile subject on the UNT Creative examination
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Specialty - 6D041500 - Sculpture

Specialty - 6D041500 - Sculpture

6D041500 - Sculpture. The sculptor by the same artist, he just reproduces his art in sculptures, creating three-dimensional and tangible objects. This profession is very interesting as it allows to capture the image of any person, animal or object. The first sculpture appeared thirty centuries before our era. She was carved from stone, and, of course, looked not so beautifully.

Sculpture is a three-dimensional image of something made of wax, metal, stone, ice, wood, bone, clay and other materials. Usually depicted people, ancient gods or animals. To create a sculpture requires enormous amount of time, patience and materials. The first stage is preparation of the material and the sketch of the future sculpture. Next, begin work on the creation of the sculpture.

The sculptor can use stamping, cutting, casting and other ways of strengthening the skulturami. In order to properly make and handle next masterpiece need a deep knowledge of engineering and technology, sculptural materials, basics of art and much more.

Work sculptors can independently and at any enterprises, factories of sweets and toys. The biggest demand for sculptors is in the field of funeral services — create tombstones.

As bachelors this profession can participate in festivals, and becoming eminent to Primate participation in special exhibitions.

Salary starts from KZT 84,000 and ends 330,000 KZT per month, sculptors now not very popular but nevertheless get a decent pay.

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