State employees of Kazakhstan failed a test for knowledge of language
Over the past six months in the certification centre KazTest visited 1364 state employees, including 440 people are unable to pass the exam on knowledge of the Kazakh language, as reported in the National testing center. Since the beginning of this year was 19 905 people who passed exams to determine the level of language and on its confirmation.
'Of the total number of employees 925 people confirmed the level of the Kazakh language, the rest failed the exam' - said in a statement.
The last two months of testing are employees of akim, Deputy akims and senior positions, health care, schools and other areas of Almaty and North Kazakhstan regions.
In North Kazakhstan region in the certification testing was attended by 64 civil servants, 43 of them failed to confirm the level of the state language.
'From 25 to 29 June there were diagnostic and certification testing, among state, civil servants as well as employees from other areas of NKR. The total number of the test amounted to 1 712 people, of whom 1 182 civil servants. Of civil servants in the diagnostic testing was performed 1 118 people, certification have passed 64 people, of which only 21 people received the certificate', – noted in the centre.