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Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov

Kostanay, Baitursynov street, 47. Phone for inquiries +7 (7142) 51-11-95
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Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov

Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov

We are glad to welcome you to the page of our higher educational institution of Baitursynov Kostanay state University. Over the years, we have trained more than 3,000 specialists in various fields. The history of our University begins in 2010 with the award of a state license. The institution has the character of a private Academy. We process and systematize information, analyze the materials and information received, and create a full-fledged curriculum from them, which ultimately allows us to create a competitive population of the country. We are located at Kostanay, Baitursynov street, 47. Phone for inquiries +7 (7142) 51-11-95

Education at a higher educational institution takes place in the following specialties:


5B020500-Philology (Kazakh)

5B020500-Philology (Russian)


5B021000-Foreign Philology

5B030100 -Law



5B050500-regional Studies



5B050800-Accounting and audit


5B051000-State and local government



5B060200-computer Science


5B060700 - Biology

5B060800 - Ecology

5B070100 - Biotechnology

5B070300 - Information systems

5B070400 - computer facilities and software

5B071300 - Transport, transport equipment and technology

5b071800 - electric power engineering

5V072400 - Technological machines and equipment (by industry)

5B072700 - Technology of food products

5B072800 - Technology of processing industries (by branches)

5B073200 - Standardization, certification and Metrology (on branches)

5B080100 - agronomy

5B080200-technology of production of animal products

5B080600-agricultural machinery and technology

5B120100-Veterinary medicine

5B120200-Veterinary sanitation

We have an excellent material base and qualified teachers. The educational institution has many classrooms for studying specialties, fully computerized classrooms. We train specialists for small and medium-sized businesses, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our educational institution is full proximity to practical work. Discounts are provided to applicants who graduated from school at 4 and 5, as well as students who are excellent students at our University.

Upon completion, graduates are awarded a state-issued diploma. Our graduates will always find a good job thanks to only one of our universities, because no other one trains employees in our unique specialties.

To enter an educational institution, you must provide a certificate of passing the UNT and a diploma of completion of eleven classes or a secondary special institution.

Роман Новак 12/03/2020

хороший ВУЗ,рядом парк, самый центр

Александр С. 11/03/2020

По качеству образования где то на уровне советского ПТУ и даже ниже

Diana D. 17/02/2020

Знание дают хорошие, а это я считаю самое главное

Сергей К. 14/01/2020

Крупнейший ВУЗ города. Прекрасное место в центре города

Максим К. 13/01/2020

Вуз не даст знаний, но время, проведенные там вы не забудете)))

Гурин Андрей 21/11/2019

отличный универ дочь учиться там и дети друзей

Владислав В. 06/11/2019

Есть в этом месте дебатный клуб-"Мамбет Котакторы", чья игра оставляет желать лучшего, как и само заведение, где очень не честные люди, которые вызывают рвотные рефлексы, если вы любитель очень острых ощущений и решили пойти на этот квест, определ нно, лучше пойти на начальной стадии к психиатру, а не после 4 лет, безвылазно сидеть в дурке...

Диас Д. 03/11/2019

На мой взгляд лучший ВУЗ области

Темерлан Тлегенов 16/09/2019

Качество образования среди Казахстана 4/5. А по миру где на 6/10. Возможно поехать по обмену и т.д.

tanj s. 25/11/2018

Отличный ВУЗ, окончила в 2000 году. Желаем ВУЗу процветания, выпуск профессиональных работников.
Внедряйте казахстанские средства автоматизации для кадровых работников, офис регистраторов, библиотекарей Казахстана. С уважением ТОО "Kostanaysoft"

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