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Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketova

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Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketova

Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketova

Karaganda state University named after academician Buketov is one of the oldest and largest educational institutions in the country. Modern society and economy are successfully developing, determining the quality of life and security of our country, and the effectiveness of knowledge directly depends on our University. We teach science, the value of which in the global format is undeniable. The mission of the University is to merge science and education into a single whole and contribute to the dynamic development of universal values.

            Our University is one of the classical educational institutions of the country and represents the embodiment of individual freedom and the basis for providing quality education to the younger generation. Following the traditions and customs of the University, we show a constant increase in the quality of education.

            Karaganda state University is a constantly progressing University today. The University has as many as 11 buildings and one of the largest libraries in Kazakhstan. It has a population of 1 million and 700 thousand books. Each building of the University has the most modern classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards and computers. There are six dormitories for students, a preventive sanatorium and a student household complex. Specialists are trained in 75 bachelor's and 51 master's degrees. More than 12 thousand students study at the same time in 10 faculties. The main advantage of the University is our teaching staff, namely 137 teachers with the "Best University teacher" award, 24 winners of various state scholarships and 57 winners of scholarships for talented young scientists. Every year, the University's rating rises, thanks to the good quality of education and experienced teachers.

            Our University partners are universities in various countries that exchange students and teachers with us for advanced training, including the American Council for cooperation in the field of language studies, the German academic exchange service, the school of pharmacology and biomolecular Sciences of the University of Brighton, and many others.

            The year 2005 for the University marked the entry of Karsu into the Magna Carta of Universities, which is headquartered in Bologna, Italy, the oldest University in Europe. Thanks to joining the Charter, our University is interested not only students of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also foreign students from near and far abroad.

            The center of cultural life of our University is the Palace of students. This building has a unique architecture with a huge hall for 800 seats. High-quality equipment and comfortable rooms for rehearsals help to conduct not only graduation but also many other things. The building has a recording Studio and a cozy dining room for students. Students who want to create something new are waiting for unlimited opportunities-it is only necessary to make an effort and the ability to create. It is here that various creative groups work such as the folk dance ensemble "Zharkyn", Folk ensemble "Saryn", Studio" Shattyk", Akun Club" Shabyt", Studio of artistic words, vocal and choral group, sports dance Studio" Grazia", fashion theater and KVN club.

            The Zharkyn ensemble was founded in 1977. after 20 years of existence, it was given the status of a Folk ensemble. The group's repertoire includes dances of the peoples of the East and Asia. Today, the folk ensemble represents our University at national competitions and international festivals between Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Belarus and Uzbekistan.

            Folk ensemble "Saryn" gives students the opportunity to join the team of a rich Kazakh musical and instrumental group. Students can play dombra, sherter, kobyz, sybyzgy, saz syrnai, uskirik, kerney, dauylpaz, asatayak, ush burysh and Shan kobyz. The ensemble's repertoire contains songs and kui by folk composers of Kazakhstan, which are played with great interest by students of our circle. The creative team is aimed at improving the performance art of Kazakh youth.

            The Fun and Resourceful club is as old as the University itself and each faculty has its own team. Every year, open KVN leagues are held between teams of faculties in two leagues: Kazakh and Russian. The KVN team " KPP " is a four-time champion of our Republic, a member of the highest League of the KVN Union and a winner of National festivals. Today participants of " KPP " I play in KVN team "Астана.kz".

            Studio of pop singing "peace and harmony" exist for the development of modern student life. Vocalists of the circle perform songs of modern composers of Kazakhstan, works of past years. Backup dancing also occupies an important place for our students, because what song can do without it? Pop singers have various achievements and are winners of the first prize of the Republican contest of songs about mothers.

            Many people love theater productions. Here are the students of our University, too. Everyone can enter the theater and drama club "Shattyk". Those who wish can actively participate in productions and performances. The Studio has many different achievements in the regional competitions of art reading.

            Fashion theater "Faces" is of great interest not only to students, but also to teachers. Bright stage productions and show programs allow students to imagine what student fashion is. Thus, the collections "Breath of nature" and "Call of eternity" were presented, showing the closeness of the Kazakh people to nature and the eternity of images of nomads of national epics.

            The akyn club "Shabyt", established in 2001, organizes poetry evenings, inviting various musicians and poets. Students of the club often become winners and prize-winners of various poetry competitions. In 2005, Karsu initiated the regional aitys akyns for the eightieth anniversary of the first rector of the University.

Асылхан Баграмов 16/01/2021

Хороший ВУЗ, светлый, спокойный, интересный, большой, учат хорошо (если самому учиться хотеть), но абсолютным не назвать.

Кошкино Счастье 13/11/2020

Училась тут, закончила в 1997 году. Тогда для всех были непростые времена, но все же преподаватели у нас были замечательные!

Айжан Б. 10/11/2020

Если ты из неблагополучной семьи то все включая учителей относятся к тебе свысока. Токсичная обстановка.
У меня элементарно не было денег на лекарство, но всем это не мешало надо мной смеяться. Я уже давно вылечилась и выбираю где учиться, но сюда я не вернусь.
Эти комментарии вообще читают, как-то анализируют? Давно написала его.
Значит руководству получается просто плевать, а остальные положительные комменты - подкупные, как и все в этом вузе.

анатолий агафонов 08/10/2020

В КарГУ им. Е.А. Букетова высокое качество образования и интересная внеучебная деятельность.

Владимир Житковец 21/06/2020

Я в молодости закончил этот институт по специальности физика. Очень благодарен всем преподавателям физического факультета.

Жорабек А. 09/03/2020

Мне нравится этот университет потому что здесь все чисто но знания чуть меньше а кружоки полезные

Санжар К. 28/10/2019

Образование: смотря какая специальность
Деятельность: уже ничего и рад что ничего (студент)

Айдын Б. 27/09/2019

Любимый университет, учусь на 1 курсе, хорошие кураторы и вне уч бы можно сходить на различные курсы

Алтын Екибаева 10/07/2019

Каргу это мой альмаматер, я здесь работала! Но то, что осталось от него, это больно сказать. Университет превратился в сельскую школу, вс стало старым, серым... Заведение, которое занимало 3-е место среди вузов...

Маржан Е. 15/05/2019

Я здесь учусь. Универ супер. Можна по мобильностью уезжать на рубеж.или других вузов Казахстана. Есть много лабаратории для студентов особенно для программистов

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