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Aktobe state University named after K. Zhubanov

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Aktobe state University named after K. Zhubanov

Aktobe state University named after K. Zhubanov

Aktobe regional state University named after K. Zhubanov is one of the leading regional universities in Western Kazakhstan. The establishment of the University as a major educational, scientific and cultural center of the region has its own history. Established in 1966, the Aktobe state pedagogical Institute (Resolution of the Central Committee of the CP of Kazakhstan and the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR No. 261 of April 15, 1966) was named after Kudaibergen Zhubanov in 1990, and in 1996 - University status.In 2004, according to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (No. 128 of 03.02.2004), the University structure was separated from the specialty "Education" and the Aktobe state pedagogical Institute was re-established.In accordance with the Resolution of the Government dated 29 may 2013 No. 529 "On reorganization of separate Republican state enterprises of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" by merging the two universities: Aktyubinsk state pedagogical Institute and Aktyubinsk state University named after K. Zhubanov created a Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "Aktyubinsk regional state University named after K. Zhubanov".The state registration of the newly formed University in the authorized bodies of justice was made on August 29, 2013.Aktobe regional state University named after K. Zhubanov trains specialists according to the state license No. 13014680, issued MES September 17, 2013 at 8 areas of higher education: "Education" (22 specialties), "Humanities" (4 specialty), and law (1 course), Arts (2 faculty) - "Social science and business" (8 specialties), Natural science (6 majors), "Technical Sciences and technologies" (10 specialties), "Services" (2 specialties) and 13 specialties of postgraduate education.

Мейрбек Жумабаевич 18/09/2020

Про100 ЛУЧШИЙ!!!

MIKO Неизвестно 16/07/2020

Мой брат учиться, один из лучших университетов Казахстана на данный момент, но и цены большие

Ъ 26/06/2020

Классный универ, столовка супер

Мирам Куатов 26/03/2020

Отличный университет.

Sansyzbai S. 10/03/2020

Исторические заведение, который дал многое молодых спец специалистов.

Рустем И. 29/01/2020

Классный универ сам там учился. Получили достойное образование!! Спа ибо вам

M 17/01/2020

Хороший ВУЗ города Актобе, но в целом система учебного процесса требует углубления знаний для студентов.

Манас Ж. 26/12/2019

Инфраструктура очень сильно изменилась в лучшую сторону за последние годы

Акмарал Жилкибаева 01/12/2019

Самый лучший университет на западном регионе

Макше Сейткалиев 04/11/2019

Самый топовый вуз не только Казахстана, но и всего СНГ. Качество преподаваемого материала на высшем уровне. Профессора очень чуткие, и находят особый подход к каждому студенту. Всем советую!!!11!!

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