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Karaganda state technical University

Karaganda, Boulevard of Peace 56, telephone:8 (7212) 56-44-22, website: kharkiv
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Karaganda state technical University

Karaganda state technical University

Engineering personnel for the production of coal, mineral resources in the post-war years, in connection with the opening of new mines and factories, was categorically not enough. In 1953, it was decided to further train engineers of various profiles and to open new mining institutes in Karaganda, Perm and Tula. Based on this decision, the order of the Minister of education and culture was created in 1953 to open the Karaganda mining Institute.

            The appearance of the mining Institute on the territory of the city of Karaganda was a great holiday not only for the city, but also for the entire state. The education authorities in the city of Karaganda allocated a temporary large room for training specialists, and the first applicants were distributed in dormitories in our city. The first mining engineer of Kazakhstan who graduated from the Moscow Institute of miners in 1934, Yunus Nurmukhamedov, became the Director of the Institute.

            The Institute had only two majors "Development of mineral deposits" and "Mining electromechanics". There were many people who wanted to study for higher education, but the situation did not allow them to accept everyone. Only 200 first-time applicants were recruited. The teaching staff in those years numbered only 30 people, the staffing of workers was very slow, since there were simply not enough specialists ready to train. In the following years, teachers from other countries joined the staff.

            A few years later, there was a problem of a material nature — new classrooms, equipment for practical work and more qualified teaching staff were needed. Further, due to the lack of many utilities, an order was issued in 1958 to transform the Institute into a Polytechnic Institute. Additional funds were allocated, and a course was taken for accelerated training of engineers. In 1960, the first graduation of polytechnics-mining engineers took place, namely 157 people received diplomas of highly qualified specialists.


            In the early 70s, there was an innovation-work combined with training. This system had advantages for the state — more labor, but created some difficulties in the educational process as a whole. Therefore, the system was quickly eliminated and returned to the traditional system — passing practices in the summer. At the same time, the Institute already had more than 20 departments, 25 special educational laboratories and many subject rooms were built.

            In 2016, Karaganda state technical University opened its own College "College of innovative technologies of Karstu", which provides services for obtaining secondary special education in 11 popular specialties. Since this year, KSTU has become an institution with continuous education.

            The University has seven academic buildings with a total area of 72 square kilometers. There are several dormitories and large canteens. The biggest hostel of the University is "Armandastar Ordasy". This hostel is the largest in the country-designed for 1000 people, built as part of the presidential program "Housing for students". Residential sections are designed for 2-3 people. Each room has its own furniture-beds, tables, wireless Internet. Each floor is equipped with classrooms for homework, kitchens and dining rooms for 60 people. There is also a medical center, Laundry, conference room, and even a movie theater. The hostel building is very comfortable, as it has everything you need.

            There is the largest library in Central Kazakhstan-it has more than one and a half million copies of books. The library was founded in 1938, annually passes through it more than 100 thousand readers, in addition to books, there are more than two million different documents, the library is replenished annually by 100-170 thousand copies. The University has a research Institute consisting of five laboratories equipped with the latest technical capabilities — the latest devices and software. As of 2017, more than 7,000 electronic textbooks have been developed and are used at the University and College.

            Studying at our University implies the possibility of academic mobility. The main goal and objective of academic mobility is to recruit highly qualified personnel from among the most talented young people, practice foreign languages, exchange experience and expand educational services. The University also implements two-degree education with higher education institutions in America, Europe and the CIS. Today, there are more than 170 partner universities, some of them are in the TOP 30 and more than 100 students study at these universities under the Bolashak program. In 2013, our University was ranked 3453rd in the European ranking of universities, which is the best among all universities in Kazakhstan.

            Karaganda state technical University is the first and only educational institution that combines 86 system-forming enterprises. A dual training system is being implemented, and 6 centers for training and retraining of employees in popular professions — mining, telecommunications, machine-building, construction and welding-have also been created to increase competitiveness among specialists.

            The University also has multifunctional electronic halls and reading rooms equipped with modern equipment, the language center "Triedinstvo "and the exhibition of inventions of our students and teachers"Innovations of Karstu".

            In 1953, there was a military Department, the first issue of reserve officers was 138 people. Today we have a whole military Institute, training in which largely replaces service in the army, because after graduation, students can get the rank of second Lieutenant and start serving in government agencies.

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