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Kazakh-American University

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Kazakh-American University

Kazakh-American University

Since 1997, a unique international University of the Kazakh-American University (KAU) has been successfully developing in the Kazakhstan market of educational services. The idea to create a University based on the synthesis of programs of American and Kazakh universities under contracts belonged to Amirlan aidarbekovich Kusainov, the founder and President of the Kazakh-American University. KAU's activities attract the interest of various foreign organizations currently operating in Kazakhstan. To date, there are stable relations between the University and international organizations (IREX, ACCELS, USIS, British Council, foreign educational institutions — universities, colleges, schools).

KAU has signed articulation agreements with universities in the United States, Italy,Spain, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates, so our students go to continue their studies in these countries. We provide an opportunity for students who have studied for three years at KAU in the "A" category to go to a foreign University for the fourth year of study. After graduation, having received a diploma from an American University, returning to KAU, a student can pass the difference in disciplines, get a state-issued diploma and a bachelor's degree according to the Kazakh standard.Since 2005, KAU is the only University in the CIS accepted into the Association of American colleges and universities (AAC&U)! The Association includes more than 1,100 educational organizations, colleges and universities (American University, Eastern Connecticut State University, George Mason University, Berkeley College, Harvard University, etc.)

In 2006, the University successfully passed the international quality management certification for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2000 standard.

Nonresident students (bachelor's, College, school) are provided with a hostel on a free basis. Since September 1, 2007, The President of KAU has approved a special "Social package", which implies an even greater increase in the social protection of University students.

We can safely state the existence of a dynamically developing University on the territory of Kazakhstan that meets five main international requirements: own buildings, computer and laboratory facilities, highly qualified teaching potential, modern plans and programs, international partnerships.

Айдар Амангельдиев 28/08/2020

Хороший университет

Ольга Ким 20/05/2020

Развитая внеучебная деятельность

Марлен Аубакирулы 08/01/2020

Очень хороший вуз

Баглан О. 24/12/2019

Уровень не соответствует

Vassili S. 23/12/2019

Отличный университет

Анвар Джумадулаев 21/12/2019

Голодные студенты, дружелюбные охранники, большая парковка.

Rustem Abramov 02/12/2019

Отличное образование. Для тех кто смотрит в будущее!

Алан Жумагалиев 13/11/2019

Отличное заведение

Damir M. 03/09/2019

Туалеты не очень

Aruzhan Seitzhanova 30/05/2019

Я там учусь и меня все устраивает

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