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distance learning in foreign Universities

distance learning in foreign Universities


For admission in distance learning you must provide a set of documents to the admissions office of the selected University. Set includes:



education documents

certificate exam results

application for admission

application form for admission to distance learning

the certificate on the conclusion (cancellation) of marriage (if the name on the document proving the identity and citizenship does not match the name in the document about education)

All the necessary documents usually are on the websites of the universities. Then you will be sent a contract and a receipt for payment. After payment and signing the contract in the mail will be sent information to access a personal profile of the student and starts training.


1) After receipt you give the login/password from the personal account of the student. There you will find the syllabus, schedule, pairs, homework, tests.

2) the Classes happen at a certain time. Lecturer with University software creates a virtual class and in classroom stands next to the analog Board, tells the theme, asks, answers questions. In different universities, this process can vary. Somewhere you are studying a pre-recorded materials, books. Where some classes are held. It is necessary to specify in santesuisse Institute.

3) How to pass sessie in distance education? Typically, students receive reference materials that they need to solve. Thus, access to the Internet is blocked and you have to rely only on themselves. In some universities you have to arrive at the session and diploma. Refine of admission.

4) Manufacturing practice in distance education is present. It happens that the University finds a company. It happens because of the remoteness of the student, he has to find himself. But the universities usually help.

Top 5 universities in the USA

1. Boston University

As one of the largest nonprofit universities in the U.S., the University has developed an extensive network of higher distance education for students. The University offers distance learning for undergraduate, graduate and even doctoral studies. In addition, it is possible to remotely study for the diploma and professional certificate courses.


Learning is done through online lectures, videos, interactive animations and discussions. The University is a holder of prestigious awards in the field of distance education Sloan Consortium for Excellence in Institution-Wide Online Education and the U.S. Distance Learning Association award for 21st Century Best Practices.


2. University of Florida

The University is in the Top 20 best American public universities, and the University's office of distance learning already has more than 330,000 alumni in 135 countries.


Distance learning is offered at the undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of disciplines, including agriculture, engineering, pharmacy, business administration etc. the University also conducts non-commercial courses and refresher courses for career advancement of working professionals.


3. Arizona state University

According to U. S. News & World Report, the University is one of the most innovative universities in the United States, provides high-quality comprehensive support to students. The office of distance learning University offers more than 100 programs of undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields, including business, social Sciences, health, etc.

Online certificate programs are also conducted at the level of undergraduate and graduate programs. Distance education is conducted on an online platform and involves approximately 18 hours per week.


4. The University of Wisconsin in Madison

The system consists of power programs and courses that are offered on the basis of 25 campuses. It offers undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs nostepinne.

Education can be obtained in various disciplines, including communication, management, Humanities, politics and nursing. The most popular online programs of the University are graduate programs in engineering. In particular, it is remotely possible to study systems of engines, engineering sustainable systems, computer engineering and other disciplines.


5. The Pennsylvania state University

The University is one of the oldest in America. Since 1892 there began to offer distance education, which was carried out by means of correspondence. In 1998, the University opened the campus Penn State World Campus, which has become a modern and universal platform for distance education.


Today the University offers more than 100 power and certificate online programs in education, business, engineering, technology, healthcare and other disciplines. The University has more than 630,000 alumni worldwide, and distance learning here does not involve 'visiting' the online lectures at a certain time and is based on individual scheduling classes.


1) distance education is an inferior education, which is never appreciated.

Valued not a diploma-a piece of paper, and the knowledge in your head. If you are enrolled in order to study the problems in employment will not be. A number of universities that teach remotely and arrange for the employment of students.

2) Remotely will not get the knowledge that get full-time students.

The amount of information students receive full-time and distance forms no different. Different is the environment in which they receive it. Some sit in the audience and Wake up at 7 am, others wear robes, take the tea and sit down at the computer. You can also engage in dialogue with the teachers, you also ask questions. However, there are also pitfalls. About them below.

3) After training, be given a diploma of the state sample.

People who say this, don't know which issue diploma after distance education. After you receive distance education at the University, which has the right to issue diplomas of the state sample, you will receive a diploma of STATE. SAMPLE. Remote - the same education, be given the same diplomas as full-time.

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