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College International Academy of Business in Almaty

Almaty, after Bassenov str., 10 +7 (727) 337-84-78, 337-86-10
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College International Business Academy in Almaty on educational portle Kazakhstan

College International Business Academy in Almaty on educational portle Kazakhstan

.The College carries out its educational activities in 2009 in the field of 'Marketing', 'Management', 'Finance', 'Accounting and auditing', 'Economics', 'Information systems'. In 2013 was drafted and signed a cooperation agreement with the Academy of Tourism in Antalya and the College of the International Academy of Business. We started a close relationship began to exchange experiences and training programs to send teachers to increase kvalifikatsii, and students on student exchange.

Our goal is to create convenient and most importantly quality of the educational process in which former pupils receive theoretical knowledge on par with practical. College students not only gain knowledge but also actively participate in the life of the institution — carried out the dedication of students, scientific, social and cultural activities. After the training, participants receive a state diploma allowing to study at higher educational institutions of our country and abroad.

We have various clubs and groups, such as the 'School of leadership', 'Creative workshop', 'Sports', 'Dance', 'Music', 'Choir', 'Vocal', 'Guitar' and many others. Very popular various competitions like KVN and 'Miss College'. Sometimes the invited law enforcement officials, held talks and lectures on various topics.

The main feature of our institution is a complete approach to practical work. Discounts are available to students who graduated from high school on 4 and 5, as well as students to students in well at our College.

Our graduates always find good jobs due to only one of our College, as no other does not prepare employees for our unique specialties.

For admission to the school must pass the exam of KTA on a General basis, when entering after eleventh grade, a certificate of UNT is not required.

Waiting for you and your documents are highly skilled in our school and hope that the training in our College will bring you essential knowledge and will help later in life.


Temirtas Ryskulov 30/11/2020

Крутой университет

Daulet Armanovich 14/09/2020

Работаю тут, коллектив хороший, студенты 90% очень хорошие и воспитанные, наверное как и везде

Мирослав Воронков 08/03/2020

Окончил магистратуру MBA и каждый год принимаю участие в качестве спикера на фестивале T&D Fest. Все здорово.

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