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Creative English training center

39A zharokova street; Almalinsky district, Almaty city
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Creative English training center -

Creative English training center -

The Creative English learning center is the best way to learn English, prepare your child for school and give them a full development. We use all our resources to make education quality and informative. Thanks to our current material, children will be able to get acquainted with all areas of life, and understand the basics of school subjects. We take a thorough approach to the learning process in order to improve overall academic performance and give all children a full development. Our hard-working teachers will always find the right approach to each child, and provide the best basic Foundation. In our center, children will be able to learn English and Kazakh, thoroughly prepare for school days, and spend time usefully in our sports and intellectual groups. We work with children of all ages, and we do it right. Our training program will allow you to delve into all subjects, get the necessary knowledge and skills. Study with us, learn new and useful information, and achieve success in training.

We teach English to even the smallest children. Learning a new language is very necessary for an early age. If you start developing at a young age, you will have a better chance of successfully learning new subjects, better assimilating school material, and getting to know the world around you faster. This approach will only benefit-the development of mental activity in the child, opens up incredible learning abilities. You will have more chances to find a creative hobby and develop it daily. We are recruiting groups with a new effective method - Montessori. Our group provides incredible opportunities for development, and allows you to quickly find the right abilities. If you also want to teach children , we are engaged in professional retraining. You will be able to get a certificate of completion, and teach others yourself. We are very happy when children experience joy in learning. Especially if they found their talent. Our center will be able to prepare any child who has learning difficulties. Our teachers will be able to improve your knowledge, develop your abilities and independence in learning. It is important for us to know how the training is going - we will monitor the entire training process. Your academic performance will be under our professional control. We train and develop not only mental and intellectual abilities, but also physical ones. Our teen club will open up new development opportunities for you and give you an interest in creativity. We will be very happy if you choose us. After all, we are professionals in our field, with many years of experience and excellent teachers.

Creative English learning center - full development of your child. Come to our classes and find your own approach to learning.

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