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Technical Lyceum in Karaganda

Karaganda Lenin street, 60.
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Technical Lyceum in Karaganda on the educational portal of Kazakhstan

Technical Lyceum in Karaganda on the educational portal of Kazakhstan


General education institution


City (Region) Karaganda

The name of the TECHNICAL LYCEUM of Karaganda

Year of foundation

Type Of School - Lyceum

Category State


Address Karaganda Lenin, 60

Phone +7(7212) 56-15-08

Opening hours 8:00 - 19-00

Number of shifts 2

Full-Time education

Admission criteria Exams

Director Akashev Edil Of Uidic

Learning bias

Language of instruction Russian | Kazakh

Level of education Secondary education

Tuition fee 0

Form of payment for Free

No Discount

There Are Mugs

There Is A Dining Room

There is a sports Hall

There is a sports Ground

There is an Assembly Hall

Bus (delivery) No

There is a computer Class

Internet Is Available

Security No

Parking No

Special offers Are available

Entertainment Is Available

There Are

Additional Features. Service No

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