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Most of the food in schools is thrown in the trash

Most of the food in schools is thrown in the trash

In Almaty September 1, 2018 will launch a pilot project, the essence of which lies in the fact that pupils of one of schools of the city will eat on sponsorship money in accordance with the rules established by the Academy of nutrition.

'The experiment will run a year at school No. 23. Chose her because the Director and the school Board quickly found a common language. We expect that the school, eating properly will show good indicators on health status and academic performance among peers at other schools,' - said the organizers of the project.

Dry tasteless cereals, lucky students will be replaced by a balanced menu, where there are rich in vitamins salads and no fried food. The cost of lunch for elementary school pupils should be 650 tenge, while from Sujata is allocated only 250. For experimentation, you need 3.5 million tenge, however, the organizers claim that they will soon find a sponsor for the project.

The reason for the organization of the project was disappointing, the nutritional situation among school students of Kazakhstan — more than 80% of products are thrown in trash cans, just because the children refuse to eat tasteless food. Starving children in the end, buy cakes and chocolates in the cupboard, which eventually leads to gastritis and other diseases.

Tenders are usually won by the competitors with the lowest price supply, resulting in low quality products and lack of knowledge of how these products are to cook.

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