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Budget funds will be used to purchase books reissued.

Budget funds will be used to purchase books reissued.



The Ministry of education and science in our country do not spend on the re-release of training materials for zero classes in Latin. Now the publishing house is hard at work on new textbooks that will be ready by 2020.

'Textbooks for the zero class to be ready until 2020. We talked about this before. Not a single tenge from the state funds will not be spent. Today on the creation and testing of work, a lot of people.' - said the Director of MES of the RK Sholpan Karinova during a press conference.

The budget is provided only on the transition to the Latin alphabet and the purchase of new textbooks and training teachers. Sholpan Karinova said that the purchase of textbooks local Executive bodies, departments of education and each school independently.

'The purchase of textbooks will occur based on the needs of each region as a whole. For all will create the same list price per unit' - said the head of the Department.

However last month on the official website of the government published the document defines that the contribution to the reprinting of textbooks will be 202 billion tenge.

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