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Physics comics

Physics comics

Now Kazakhstan boasts modern physics – namely, the physics in comic books, as reported by the press service of the Fund name Shahmardan Yessenov.

This material is designed for children aged 10 years, some comics can be studied in schools. So far the first and only experience of creating lessons in the comic books.

'At the beginning of 2018, we began to think about how it is acceptable to allow children to physics world, and found a new way to create comics. In discussing the project, we decided that I needed to create an interesting story for children, which will acquaint them with all the laws of physics that they face every day,' - said in the scientific and educational center.

The creators of the comic want to enable children to understand how comic book heroes have all the laws of physics on themselves, each new release they will travel to our country and alert you to beautiful places like Charyn canyon or the Ustyurt reserve. The comics also contain cognitive information. There is additional information about the origin of the unique places.

Comic author is the founder of the design Studio of Khan Comic. The main artist was Daniyar Orynbayev, now the team is already the 4th edition, and the entire cycle will consist of 10 rooms.

'We were asked to napisati scenario created from knowledge to action. We thought it was very funny and we took a peculiar call. And we decided to support the timing and quality of the comic' - said the head of the Studio Orazkhan a Zhakupov.

The heroes are four teenagers who go to school, they each will recognize themselves and their friends.

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