Geographical dictation in Atyrau
Male 78 years old from Atyrau became a participant of international level - Geographical dictation, in which participated the people of Kazakhstan.
Dictation wrote another 10 people from Atyrau, most of which are under 25 years of age. The old - Vyacheslav Afanasyev. He says that writing dictation gave him additional knowledge on geography.
'This educational event we're dedicated to the ethnographer Vladimir Dahl and Explorer of the Western part of Kazakhstan, the Eastern part of the Caspian sea Gregory Karelin,' says the head of the Russian ethno-cultural associations 'epic' Andrei Korablev, at whose initiative joined in Atyrau.
The results of the test are confidential and will be available to participants on an individual identification code.
The test of knowledge of geography among the inhabitants of different countries for the fourth year conducts the Russian geographical society.