Kazakhstan won the gold medal in programming
The team of the future programmers took part in the international stage of the Olympic games on programming, which was a very difficult task. A group of young people from the International University of information technologies took first place in Kazakhstan and the fourth in the CIS.
The final round was held simultaneously in four cities – St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Almaty and Tbilisi participated in the competition of the order of 318 teams from all over the CIS. The team of our University decided eight objectives of 14 and received the gold medal of North Eurasia, took fourth place and brought greater glory to our University. The world Cup will be held in April 2019 in Portugal.
The University team managed to beat seven-time world champion in programming from St. Petersburg.
'The greatest victory of our University in the past 2018. We walked to this result for six years. I hope that for the first time in the history of our country will bring medals from the world championship. Incredible success – IITU won ITMO, seven-time world programming championship!' says the IITU rector Damir Shynybekov.
You were great in the final round the team of KBTU, which decided seven tasks, took CIS 14-th place and the second in Kazakhstan. A team of the Nazarbayev University decided four tasks and took 81-th place in the CIS, the third – in Kazakhstan.
The result IITU is a great achievement for Kazakhstan because history has no team of our country has not received a gold medal in the region of Northern Eurasia.
'Olympiad movement is a very important direction in programming for talented youth, which creates a bridge for employment in the best companies in the world. Graduates Olympic training center, the participants of the ACM ICPC work for Google, Facebook, Booking, Silicon valley – in an era of global digitalization of all aspects of life, such large-scale, global intellectual competition are of particular importance' – said Damir Shynybekov.