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Comprehensive testing will take more than 45 thousand people

Comprehensive testing will take more than 45 thousand people

Comprehensive testing in the Republic of Kazakhstan willing to get more than 45 thousand people, as we were informed in the National testing center. They said that pass CT decided 7 thousand people with General secondary education and 38 thousand graduates of different organizations with secondary special and vocational education.

'To participate in Complex testing decided 45 673 people, of which almost 20 thousand on the CT, and the rest on CT for College graduates entering the Universities. Still under the new act the applications for the exams, so the exact number of participants may vary' - is written on the official website of the testing center.

The same test will pass and foreign residents that this year I want to start studying in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan such this year was 1677 people.

Testing will begin on July 14 and will be held 4 days in all regions of Kazakhstan.

Conditions of delivery of complex testing for graduates of schools and colleges have different kinds of questions. For those who are released from institutions implementing programs of technical and vocational education will pass the exams in two subjects: common core and major disciplines.

All tests for each dealer is 60 and the maximum score is 70. The time allocated for the exam is 100 minutes.

All the other pass 5 subjects, including 3 compulsory and 2 profile.

'Total number of test items is 120, the maximum score is 140. The time allotted for the test is 3 hours and 50 minutes. Specialized subjects are selected in accordance with the chosen specialty at the University', – explained in the answer.

In the center of the test indicated that the threshold score for admission to universities from the dealer CT remains unchanged, i.e. national universities – at least 65 points on the group of specialties 'Education'.

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