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Department of education the daughter of the President wishes to close.

Department of education the daughter of the President wishes to close.

Department of education the daughter of the President wishes to close.

The Chairman of the Committee on foreign relations and the President's daughter Dariga Nazarbayeva expressed support for the closure of departments of education throughout the country. She claims that all schools have moved to per capita funding. This will give each school its own cash Fund, where there will be sponsors and donors.

'Schools allocate money, and they are too long and do not go into business, some save and put the remains in his pocket, nedoponyal textbooks or do a bad repair.' - she also noticed that there are many violations in schools and departments of education, so the question of whether such organizations are now actively discussed.

'I have to shut it down, and there is already good international experience in this regard', – said Dariga Nazarbayeva.

It is, in its opinion, will allow the Ministry of education and science in the development of standards and regulations directly in control of the whole educational process.

The head of the Committee spoke about the draft law on the status of teachers. The Deputy agreed that without financial injections to increase teachers ' salaries and other social benefits is not enough. In the first place, according to Nazarbayeva, Kazakhstan people must change their attitude to teachers.

'Parents, not understanding, ran to the school to fight with teachers. All our information machine we have to adjust to teachers. Who will be tomorrow to teach our children if not teachers?' asked Dariga Nazarbayeva.

The Senator also expressed the view that teachers can give gifts and give tokens if it is done from the heart and does not affect the loyalty of the teacher.

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