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Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

The first Kazakh higher education Institution was born 1 October 1928 and it was called Kazakh state University. The faculty at that time there was only one teaching, but there were three departments: physico-mathematical, natural Sciences and language studies. The University administration wanted to create three: pedagogical, agricultural and medical. These departments have started work after 5 years since the opening of the University. However, the unexpected happened – it was decided to develop the University as an independent pedagogical Institute, and therefore in 1930 the University was named 'the Kazakh state pedagogical Institute', and after 5 years he was given the name of great Abai Kunanbaev.

In those days, Kazakh Institute was housed in a small building, one-story building Verny gymnasium. When it began to run preparatory courses for applicants, as well as appeared in teachers College, school and working faculty. These years were the main point in raising the spirit of patriotism, and studied at the Institute mainly children without parents, children of farm laborers and middle peasants, as well as a number of children of employees.

First time call at the Institute rang in September 1928, at that time it was decided to 124 people, which is a number of old standards. The composition of the students was international, more than half of the Kazakhs, a little Russian and 6 people of other nationalities. For those who do not have housing allocated to the dormitory, was carried out and additional classes, as most students didn't understand in Kazakh and Russian languages. The first course was taught a total of 9 teachers.

According to some sources, the Institute has trained persons from twenty to forty years, thirsting for knowledge.

The Institute also led the scientific-educational work among the population. Under the aegis of KazPI was created by the Sunday Institute with number of students 190. Teachers read lectures and scientific reports for workers Institute, a school was opened to eradicate illiteracy. Regularly held theme nights, debates, readers conferences and other cultural and educational activities among residents.


Among the population were not only educational program, but also scientific and educational work. The Institute was created by another, the Sunday Institute with 190 employees, teachers lecturing, some experts were invited from universities of Central Kazakhstan, and the rest was local stuff. A huge role in the development and strengthening of the Institute went to the assistance provided by many educational institutions of the Soviet Republics, special assistance was provided by Moscow and Leningrad. They generously shared their knowledge and books their libraries and equipment, which was lacking in those years. In those years in pedagogical work in KazPI was enthusiastic, well-known scholars, as literary critic N. N. FOPS, mathematician B. L. Kruglyak, physicist V. F. Litvinov, biologist S. V. Loginov, embryologist A. A. Zahvatkin and many others. In those years in the Institute teaching were prominent representatives of the Kazakh people oraz Dzhandosov, Saken Seyfullin, the Baymen of the Almanac, Ahmet Baitursynov, Halel Dosmuhamedov, Ilyas Kabulov, Temirbek Zhurgenov and others. In the 30-ies in KazPI worked such well-known specialists in the humanitarian field, like K. Zhubanov, S. Amanzholov, M. Zholdybaev, in mathematics - A. Ermekov and others.

In 2016, Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai was established research and innovation Park.

Research and innovation Park is a structural subdivision of the Kazakh National pedagogical University named after Abai, specializing in the preservation, development and effective use of scientific and innovative potential KazNPU named after Abai and the early introduction of the developments, science intensive products and technologies in production.


Scientific library of the Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai is one of the largest University libraries in the country. Is a scientific, informational, educational and cultural center for students, faculty, educational support staff, providing literature and information resources of educational and scientific processes.

The Fund of library makes more than 1 700 000 copies. it has textbooks, training manuals, monographs, remarkable examples of fiction. The library brings together a rich Fund of world literature and rare editions of the XVIII - beginning of XX century in foreign languages.


Publishing house 'Lat' KazNPU.Abai organized 18.04.2011 by decision of the Academic Council dated 24.02.2011.
The publishing house is one of the main structural units of the KazNPU named Abay prepares and publishes scientific, educational, methodical literature, University office materials.
The publisher is governed by the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'On education', 'On mass media', 'On copyright and related rights' and these regulations.
Publisher administratively subordinated to the rector of the KazNPU named Abay

The main task of Publishing is the organization and implementation of editorial and publishing activities of the University, publishing of educational, educational-methodical literature, meeting the requirements of state educational standard, as well as the issue of scientific, reference and other literature in the interests of ensuring the educational process and scientific research.


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