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Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Esenova (KSUTI) in Aktau

+7 (7292) 42-57-77Aktau, 32 MKR.
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Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Esenova (KSUTI) in Aktau

Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Esenova (KSUTI) in Aktau

Sh. Esenov Caspian state University of technology and engineering is the first-born higher education institution in the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Today KSUTI is a complete scientific and educational infrastructure with a well-equipped material and technical base that allows students to fully realize their intellectual and creative potential. The main building of the University, where educational institutes equipped with modern educational and laboratory equipment are located, has already been put into operation.

Ерболат Абишев 30/01/2021

Хорошее оснашение кабинетов

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