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Kazakhstan engineering and pedagogical University of peoples ' friendship in Shymkent

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Kazakhstan engineering and pedagogical University of peoples ' friendship in Shymkent

Kazakhstan engineering and pedagogical University of peoples ' friendship in Shymkent

The idea of organizing The Kazakhstan engineering and pedagogical University of peoples ' Friendship appeared in 2000 from the Academician KNAEK, doctor of chemical Sciences, Winner of the international Kapitsa prize, winner of the medal named after him. A. Nobel of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, academician of the National Academy of natural Sciences and new York Academy of Sciences, winner of the gold medal "Birlik" of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and the medal "For outstanding contribution to world science of the XXI century", honourable citizen of the city of Arys and Sairam district, awarded the "Golden owl" for making a special contribution to the development of science and knowledge and the medal "Honorary member of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan", received in honor of the 20th anniversary of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, M. A. Kuatbekov, whose name today is known all over the country.

The Congress of the main representatives of Asian States, the presidents of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan was organized to find conditions for security and harmony between the peoples of these countries, where the issue of creating a specialized University was discussed. Some time passed after the Congress, and the President of our country, opening a new drama theater in the Sairam district of South Kazakhstan, noted the fact that our University will be opened to develop relations and strengthen the unity of peoples. More than 127 nationalities live in Kazakhstan, and the best indicator of friendship of peoples will be the opening of a new educational institution. In 2001, the University was founded with two major branches, and a year later the Kazakh-Uzbek engineering and Humanities University was founded, which was supported by both countries, their embassies and diasporas.

The mission of our University is to prepare a new generation of highly qualified specialists for the full and comprehensive development of our country and its society, to improve the quality of education and help the scientific and innovative development of both countries. Highly qualified employees of higher education are a team of the University that will do everything to successfully develop and solve these problems.

KIPUDN is a modern University that meets all the requirements and is one of the most important in the country and competitive in the world. The task of the educational institution is to produce specialists who are ready to honestly and fully perform their professional duties, who are able to create new ideas, implement their innovative plans, create new-generation materials, improve current technologies and develop new ones, and have a perfect command of software information products

Over the years, the University has practiced issuing two types of intra-University grants-grants of academician A. Kuatbekov and the rector's grant, which could be applied for by applicants (who scored more than 100 points at the UNT, but did not receive a state grant), as well as prize-winners and winners of Olympiads of various levels. These grants completely exempted them from tuition fees. There is a category of privileged students who are candidates for master of sports. They are provided with benefits in order to improve the status of sports, introduce young people to it, and promote a healthy lifestyle. In General, 854 people currently receive various types of assistance and benefits. The University's management honors war and home front veterans and provides assistance to lonely elderly people. It happened that funds were allocated for operations of acute patients – people need help in a variety of situations. There was a story about young guys who fought the bureaucratic system of the beginning of the "noughties" for a long time and unsuccessfully for the sake of one socially useful idea, and only after the help of the University, they managed to succeed. So the peoples ' Friendship University raises young citizens of Kazakhstan, gives them, as they say, "a start in life". And I would like to finish the message about the graduates of the Arys family Home on an optimistic note and say that two of them who graduated from our University at the expense of the University even played weddings.

KIPUDN is not only a classic University in the field of Kazakhstan education, with an organic symbiosis of educational activities and research, but also an educational institution that sets a high goal of strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between peoples. This goal was fundamental when it was created. This idea was put by its founder, academician A. Kuatbekov, who was enthusiastically supported by the entire color of the intelligentsia, scientists, teachers, the leadership of the region and the country. Therefore, our team gives priority to this component, forming the formation of students ' personality in the spirit of ethno-cultural and universal values, patriotism and love for the Motherland. At the same time, KIPUDN is one of the leaders in many areas of educational and methodological work, scientific activity, and has a great potential in the field of innovation.

The University is developing rapidly, constantly making efforts to improve the quality of educational services. For education is the same sphere of service delivery, where there is fierce competition, in which the strongest really survive. The presence of innovators, creative-minded, initiative representatives of the younger generation, as well as their experienced mentors allows us to form a continuity of pedagogical foundations, creating our own traditions. All this contributes to improving the KIPUDN rating and strengthening the competitiveness of the national education system. And the University rating is interesting not only for applicants and their parents, but also for employers – they can compare their expectations from future employees with it. Professionalism is when a person is competent in matters for which he is responsible on duty, and copes with the tasks set efficiently. And the recipe for this is simple: you need to be purposeful, work hard, mastering the knowledge that will be required in your professional activity. If you want to become a professional – you are welcome to join us!

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