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Institute of Literature and Art named for M. Auezov in Almaty

Almaty, Kurmangazy str. 29 Phone: (727) 272 74 11 - reception, (727) 272 79 43 - Deputy. Director, (727) 390 06 16 - scientific Secretary
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Institute of Literature and Art named for M. Auezov in Almaty

Institute of Literature and Art named for M. Auezov in Almaty

The M. O. Auezov Institute of literature and art of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established in 1934 as the Kazakh research Institute of national culture. In 1936, it became a part of the Kazakh language, literature and folk art sector of the Kazakh branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1941, this sector has been part of the Institute of history, language and literature. In 1945, it was transformed into the Institute of language and literature. In may 1961, the Institute of literature and art Of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR was organized on its basis, which in August of the same year was named after M. O. Auezov.

During its existence, the Institute of literature and art named after M. O. Auezov has become the main scientific center of Kazakh literature, folklore and art studies. Scientists of the Institute make a significant contribution to the study of the history and theory of Russian literature, culture and creative heritage of outstanding representatives of art.

In different years the Institute has worked with prominent figures of science, culture and literature M. O. Auezov, Z. A. Akhmetov, L. M. Auezov, M. Bazarbaev, I. H. Gadirov, M. Gabdullin, A. J. Derbisalin, I. T. Dyusenbayev, M. T. Duisenov, B. erakovic M. Zharmukhamedov, A. K. Zhubanov, K. Jumaliev, B. Kenzhebaev, K. M. Karataev, B. Konakbaev, A. K. Narymbetov, E. V. Lizunova, S. K. Satpayev, M. S. Silchenko, N. With.Smirnov, A. Tazhibayev, E. S. Ismailov, A. Sharipov, and others.

The Institute has created fundamental works: "History of Kazakh literature" (6 volumes in Kazakh and 3 volumes in Russian), written chapters on Kazakh folklore and literature for "History of multinational Soviet literature" (9 volumes), "History of world literature" (9 volumes).

Published multi-volume collections of works by A. Baitursynov, M. Dulatov, Zh. aymauytov, M. Zhumabayev, S. Seifullin, I. Zhansugurov, B. mailin, S. Mukanov, G. Musrepov, G. Mustafin, academic editions of works in 2 volumes by Abay and Zhambyl, M.-Zh.Kopeev, S. Toraigyrov. In 1967-1969, a 12-volume collection of works by M. O. Auezov was published, and in 1979-1985, a 20 – volume collection of works by M. O. Auezov was published.

Classic examples of national folklore and music are published: Kazakh epos in 3 volumes, Kazakh fairy tales in 3 volumes, aitys in 3 volumes and musical folklore in several books. 17 volumes of folklore texts of the series "Kazak Halyk adebieti" ("Kazakh folk literature") were published.

The collective monographs "History of Kazakh folklore", "Typology of Kazakh folklore", "Problems of Kazakh historical songs", "Kazakh literature of the ancient period", "Kazakh akyns of the XIX century", "Kazakh literature of the beginning of the XX century", "Interethnic relations of Kazakh literature", "Literature of the peoples of Kazakhstan" and scientific works "Kazakh musical folklore", "Music of Soviet Kazakhstan", "History of Kazakh theater" (2 volumes), "Essays on the history of fine arts in Kazakhstan", collection "Kazakh literature in foreign criticism", etc.

Currently, the Institute of literature and art named after M. O. Auezov has 12 departments: folklore; ancient and medieval literature; Abay studies and modern literature; literature of the Independence period; literary theory and methodology of literary studies; world literature and international relations; textology and source studies; manuscripts and cataloging; fine arts; music; theater studies; scientific and cultural center "Auezov's house".

The main directions of the research work of the center are the study, publication and promotion of the creative heritage of M. O. Auezov. The center has prepared and published "Chronicle of the life and work of M. O. Auezov", "Bibliographic index on the work of M. O. Auezov", "Unknown Auezov", encyclopedia "Mukhtar Auezov", etc.the main achievement of the center's staff is the completion of the preparation and publication of a 50-volume academic Collection of works of the great Kazakh writer. In 2011, the last 50th volume of this multi-year work was published.

Scientists of the Institute fruitfully study the history of Kazakh literature of the ancient period. In 1986, for the first time in the Kazakh language, the Turkic-language literary monuments of the XIII-XIV centuries "Oguz-name" and "Muhabbat-name" with translations and texts of the originals were published. In 1993, the first scientific publication of the book "Diuani Hikmet" by the outstanding poet-thinker of the XII century A. Yassaui with transcription from the ancient Turkic language and scientific comments was carried out.

The history and culture of Kazakhstan, first presented in the Kazakh periodicals of the XIX – early XX centuries, was published by the Institute in the books "Dala ualayatynyn Gazeti" (5 volumes), "Articles and correspondence on the pages of "Aikap", "Kazakh. Alash. Saryarka", "Materials of the pre-revolutionary Kazakh press", "Kazak khalkynyn ATA-muralary" ("Heritage of the Kazakh people"), "Turkistan ualayatynyn Gazeti".

The Institute carried out a lot of work on the rehabilitation of repressed members of the Alash movement - representatives of literature and culture sh.Kudaiberdiev, M. Zh. Kopeyev, A. Baitursynov, M. Dulatov, G. Karashev, M. Zhumabayev, S. Toraigyrov, Zh. Aimauytov, S. Saduakasov and others, and the academic publication of their creative heritage.

In 2004-2011, the Institute took an active part in the implementation of the national strategic project "Madeni Mura" ("Cultural heritage») Republic Of Kazakhstan. Under the auspices of this important State program, "History of Kazakh literature" in ten volumes, "anthology of Kazakh music" in eight volumes, "World literature studies" in three volumes, "World folklore studies" in three volumes were published. Work continues on the preparation and publication of a set of samples of Kazakh folklore "Babalar sozi" ("Heritage of ancestors") in 100 volumes and "Adebi zhadigerler" ("Literary monuments") in 20 volumes. 75 volumes of Babalar sozi and 11 volumes of Adebi zhadigerler were published.

The Department of manuscripts and cataloging of the Institute carries out purposeful work on the preparation and publication of samples of Kazakh folklore that are of scientific, historical and cultural value. 8 volumes "Kazak kolzhazbalarynyn Gylym sipattamasy"prepared by employees of the Department were published.

The Institute is working on the program for basic research of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the purpose of which is to restore the true and complete history of Kazakh folklore; learn the basic stages of origin and formation of the Kazakh literature of the ancient and medieval periods; the study of problems in creative succession of eminent poets and writers of XIX - XX V. V. and major genres (poetry, prose, drama) Kazakh literature 60-90-ies in the context of world literary process. The Institute carries out the study, systematization and scientific understanding of the phenomenon of visual art in General and the most important periods of development of the artistic culture of Kazakhstan; examines various problems of national musical art from ancient times to the XXI century; analyzes and comprehends the rich heritage of the classic of world literature M. Auezov; examines the main stages and patterns of development of Kazakh theater art; studies world literature, modern literature of the peoples of Kazakhstan and international literary relations.

The first edition of the "history of arts of Kazakhstan" from ancient times to the present day in three volumes (in Kazakh and Russian).

Collective monographs "Literature of the peoples of Kazakhstan" (2004), "Essays on world literature at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries" (2006), "Literary and artistic dialogue" (2008), "International relations of Kazakh literature during the period of independence" (2008), reflecting the current state of Kazakh and world literature.

Since 2006, a new stage in the formation of research directions has begun. The staff of the Institute focused on the study of modern processes in literary and art studies of independent Kazakhstan and the implementation of the idea of Independence in works of art and works of masters of music, theater, fine arts, decorative and applied arts, sculpture and architecture. The article examines the patterns of artistic understanding of the idea of Independence in Russian literature in the context of its connection with the General Turkic literary process. The article examines and reveals the essence of the national idea and the idea of national independence in the fiction of the totalitarian regime. The works created under the influence of Communist ideology are analyzed from new positions, and the ways and principles of implementing the idea of Independence in the works of M. Auezov are shown. The article shows the current state of literary science in revealing the role and meaning of works that reflect the ideas of Independence.

The author has studied the world literary process at the present stage, based on the results of which a collective monograph "the Latest foreign literature"has been prepared. It summarizes the current trends in the development of literature in different countries, reveals a variety of approaches to the problem of personality and the role of man in modern social life in the era of globalization. The literature of the far (Romanian, German, French, Spanish, English, Bulgarian, Korean, Slovak, American, Egyptian) and near (Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijani) countries is presented. The authors of the sections are specialists of the Institute and universities of the Republic, literary critics and critics of Germany, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Moldova, and Azerbaijan.


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