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Almaty Republican school of Zhas Ulan named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

Almaty, st. Pyatnitsky, 100+7 (727) 309‒73‒65
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Almaty Republican school of Zhas Ulan named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

Almaty Republican school of Zhas Ulan named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

Almaty Republican military boarding school was opened on 28 February 1983 on the basis of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of Kazakh SSR No. 90-15 "About opening in Alma-ATA, Republican special secondary boarding school with advanced study of Russian language and intensive military and physical training".

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR dated 26 March 1991, No. 189, Almaty Republican military school named after Hero of the Soviet Union Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.

 According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 26, 2015 No. 789, the Almaty Republican military boarding school was renamed the Almaty Republican school "Zhas Ulan" named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.

 In the period 2014-2015, major repairs were made in all buildings and structures of the school and the surrounding area.

 Over 33 years, 31 graduates have graduated, and more than 5 thousand specialists have successfully completed and continued their service in various regions of the country and the near abroad. Our graduates serve both in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in other law enforcement agencies and structures.

After gaining by Kazakhstan of the sovereignty of the Republican Specialized boarding school was transformed into the Almaty Republican military boarding school named after Baurzhan Momyshuly (Arushi).

Тюстюкпаева Рауан 04/05/2021

Очень понравилось, что школа со спортивным уклоном, много кружков по увлечениям. Нужен перечень документов для поступления после 9 классов

R :) 10/10/2020

Интересная школа на Момушылы

Lavr B. 10/08/2020

Во времена моей учебы там,когда директором был Ким Серикбаев и мы носили красные погоны с буквами "СШ"-это было круто и котировалось. Что там творится сейчас-не знаю и знать не хочу.

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