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KNB Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Almaty, Dostyk avenue 103, tel / fax: 8 (727) 264 65 29
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KNB Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

KNB Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Academy of the Border service of the national security service of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the only multi-profile higher military educational institution in the Central Asian region that implements continuous educational programs of higher professional and postgraduate professional education of all categories of senior staff of divisions and units of the Border service, as well as carrying out applied research.  

Higher education institution and the history of its opening is connected with the opening of a new educational institution of the border area, with an unusual name for those times "Second normal school of the border guard and OGPU troops". In 1938, the school was renamed the Dzerzhinskiy Kharkiv military school, where students studied for two full years. On January 22, 1960, the school was named "Alma-ATA higher border command school" with an average training period of 4 years.

1942. While in Tashkent, the school produced several graduates of young officers on an accelerated training program.

1943. In 1943, major General I. N. Ukhov was appointed head of the December, the staff of the school took part in a special task of the USSR Government.

1944. In August, on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR, the school was relocated to Alma-ATA. Colonel Antonov Sergey Mikhailovich took command of the school.

1945. The school was renamed the Alma-ATA military school of the NKVD troops.

1945-1950 years. The staff of the school took an active part in the construction of large industrial and cultural facilities in the capital and the region.

1951. On may 21, the school built a camp near the Chilikemir collective farm.

1952. On August 1, in accordance with the order of the GUPV MGB of the USSR of July 16, 1952, the school received a new banner of the red banner of Battle. On April 24, in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 19, 1951, the construction of the military camp of the school began.

1953. By order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USSR on August 21, 1953, the school moved to a new organizational staff. In September-October, 190 cadets from the Kazan military school of the Ministry of internal Affairs arrived at the school.

1954. By order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USSR from 28.09.54, Colonel Grigory Ivanovich Baranov was appointed head of the school. Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 25 June and 5 November for long and meritorious service awards: order of Lenin 4 persons; order of the red banner — 17 persons; order of the red Star — 44 pers.

1955. on February 10, students graduated from one-year special courses for military personnel of the Czechoslovak Republic.

1958. By order of the Chairman of the KGB under the CM of the USSR dated January 3, the school is called "Alma-ATA border military school of the KGB under the CM of the USSR".

1960. In June, the school was renamed the Higher border command school of the KGB under the CM of the USSR.

1962. In accordance with the order of the GUPV KGB under the CM of the USSR of April 22, cadets of the 1st and 2nd divisions and officers of the school were twice involved in operational tasks in the Eastern border district.

            Academy of the border service of National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established on the basis of the red banner of the Order, in 1993 and in its place was established the Military Institute of the NSC of the RK with duration of 5 years. The first largest set of students was made, namely 12 educational centers of the 3rd division, and the students were from Kazakhstan only. Cadets from other countries were moved to their homeland to continue their studies in Russia and Ukraine, as a result of which the number of academic buildings decreased by more than 3 times.

            In 1994, the school was first visited by Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. Two streams of students completed their education and entered the civil service.

            In March, the Military Institute of Border troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan was transformed into The military Institute of Border troops of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with a 4-year training period. Legal education has been abolished, and the curriculum has been revised and the duration of training has been shortened for students in courses 1-4 who are already undergoing training. By the decree of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 14, 1997, the Military Institute of Border troops of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan was transformed into the Higher Border command school of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In August, the school was awarded a diploma and a Battle flag of the Higher border command school of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a solemn ceremony. By order of the Minister of defense in October, major General Aizhulov Tursun Gabidenovich was appointed head of the higher border command school. In may and August, two accelerated releases of cadets of the 3rd training division were made. The graduation on August 18 was the only one during the years of the Military Institute's existence in which the graduates ' diplomas indicated a law degree, but only secondary, and not higher. All other graduates from this year were carried out without any civilian specialty of young officers.

            2006. Met personnel from: — the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, Hero of Socialist labor B. A. Ashimov and the first Minister of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, hero of the Soviet Union, the first recipient of "Halyk Kaharmany" General of the army by Nurmagambetov S. K.; with members of the Russian delegation of the club of Heroes of Soviet Union, heroes of the Russian Federation, full gentlemen of order of Glory of Moscow and the Moscow region, headed by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General of aviation in reserve N. T. Antoshkina. At the meeting, a member of the delegation, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General of the reserve Yu. V. Babansky, a participant in the military operations to protect the state border of the USSR on Damansky island; - meeting and transfer of the home library of a prominent scientist of Kazakhstan, academician, laureate of the State prize and the prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. K. Kozybayev; successfully defended their dissertations for the degree of candidate of Sciences: colonels T. M. Stambekov, L. N. Gusev, captain A. A. Zaginayko, Lieutenant G. K. Bakubayeva. In December, The military Institute of the national security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrated its 75th anniversary.

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