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Certification and professional development of teachers

Certification and professional development of teachers

Every teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan now has an opportunity to increase their wages, thanks to the entry into force of the law on professional development for all teachers in the country. Increase the salary by up to 50% for the citizens of our country quite a lot. However, not all so rosy as it might seem. First, teachers need to calculate the forces and try to work hard. Because the rules of the exam involve the delivery of all items on which you learned in high school. Many of the teachers is shocking! Of course! Already 10 years have you taught math, and you are told to take both biology and Russian and Kazakh and literature and geography and all other subjects about which you have long forgotten. How not to be indignant?!

However, as time passed from the first re-certification, and the rules have not changed, so for the exam you need to prepare in advance, prepare a portfolio and collect a number of documents. The folder should contain the results of the work with students, diploma of education, a copy of passport or ID, and, preferably, the progress of children over the past year or two.

Certification involves a copy of the UNT, where you will have to work your brain and ballpoint pen black, in order to fill in the correct answer. Experience suggests that the range of knowledge should expand from the very first year of University, as cunning testers might catch on the simplest.

Courses are conducted by educational organizations that implement educational programs of professional development: 'Nazarbayev Intellectual schools', National center of excellence 'Orleu', National scientific practical education and Wellness center 'Bobek', higher education institutions, educational centers, training institutes, and legal entities irrespective of forms of ownership and carrying out the Charter activity courses, as well as regional, cities of Astana and Almaty methodical offices and teaching offices of the district (city) departments obrazovaniyakh footage applying for the courses should have higher education and pedagogical experience in educational institutions at least 1 year, or technical and vocational education, have work experience in the organization of education at least 2 years or work experience in the specialization for at least 3 years.

In addition, they must know the laws of the Republic regulating the activities of the education system, as well as possess a basic knowledge of English language (for courses in language competence).

Courses by level of education has its own specifics and characteristics in the subjects, forms, contents and duration of training.

The format of the training involves classroom training 'face to face' ('face to face') in small groups up to 30 people and distance learning online. The center of pedagogical skill of AOO 'Nazarbayev Intellectual schools' will provide trainees with the necessary teaching materials ('teacher's Guide', 'instructions for performing pre-course oral tasks', 'Tasks to perform in school during the period of remote training') on Kazakh and Russian languages. Such training for five years will be more than 120 thousand teachers, i.e., almost half of the total teaching corps of the country.


Middle school is rightly called the Foundation of the education system. Basic level of knowledge and skills that the student receives largely determines his future. In changing the trajectory of the development of the primary school, which must meet the relevant challenges. Critical thinking, criterial evaluation, use of IT-technologies, management in education – the approach which develops the education system all over the world. This innovative vision of the teachers of secondary schools of Kazakhstan will be trained in Courses of improvement of qualification. Gone are the days when the student was a passive participant of the educational process, now the main task of the teacher to teach the child to show independence in learning and develop their creativity.

Courses are conducted by teachers organizations of the following categories:


- teachers with experience and work experience on the profile course of training of not less than 3 years;

- certified trainers, prepared with participation of Kazakhstani and foreign experts;

professionals and production companies with experience of not less than 3 years;

- the teaching staff of higher educational institutions engaged in training of specialists in pedagogical and professional specialties.


During the courses, to read lectures and conduct practical classes organization involved methodologists, teachers, heads of educational institutions, practices, and specialists of industrial enterprises, representatives of regional chambers of entrepreneurs and employers ' associations.

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