How important education and a few facts about the foreign

About the importance of education, people learned a long time ago. Impossible without the existence and development of society. A good education requires a significant financial outlay from the state. Most in primary and secondary education allocated by the government of Alaska. Less money is spent on Somalia. It is not surprising that the country recorded the highest percentage of illiteracy. In 1990 it was 76%.
To date, the educational process goes in one step with time and progress, both technical and academic - to help students and the teacher. Today do not have to search through tons of study material or spend a lot of time searching the Internet for the training process - just go to the website and to see in one place with working programs for elementary, middle and high school levels, with lesson notes and many others. But today is not about that, and about the 10 most amazing facts about education. The oldest working nowadays Universities is considered to be Oxford, Cambridge and the Sorbonne. But this view is mistaken. Moroccan is the oldest University Karaouine. The first students he took in 859 ad, is the Incredible loyalty and friendship demonstrated by the graduates of a school in the Cherokee County, graduated from it in 1929. No matter what every year they were together. After 74 years to the reunion could come only 9 people out of 30. Not everyone is eager to see those who once sat at the same Desk. For example, former pupils of the kindergarten and school miss Blanche Miller decided to gather together only спустя70 years. By this time almost half of the former students was no longer alive.In Germany, to congratulate the school with the centenary received more than 2.5 million former students. It was the massive high school reunion.For their children to become ladies and gentlemen, parents of pupils of the International school of Avlaa Spencer (London) to pay not less than 77.5 thousand pounds. The training lasts only a month. All this time the students stay in the prestigious hotels, learn etiquette, go to the theaters.
9. In 2003, the Australian school Ladli held a lecture by biology Professor Marie burrows, lasted 54 hours. To listen come 26 people.
In France the first school is the 'parent school', where do the kids 2-3 years. In 5 years a child needs to start learning to read. Primary school lasts 5 years, then 4 years children are in College. Then 2-3 years of high school or Lyceum. After that, pupils can decide on a specialization. By the way, the French schools are considered the best in Europe. In this country there are 13 schools where there are no schedules, no homework. Such schools were established with the support of the organization Vittra. The children are taught in fun classes in schools made as a games room. Students learn only those subjects that they like. How effective is this approach, it will be clear with time. But these schools are becoming more popular in the country, although the public education system, this format does not recognize.
In Japan, the school year is divided into trimesters and begins in early April. After the first trimester, which ends around July 20, the children go on summer vacation. From 1 September to the end of December is the second trimester, from January to March – the third. Transfer from one class to another occurs during a short (1 week) spring break.
For a long time the profession of a school teacher (to call him 'Sensei') in Japan was only for men. Still, more than half of Japanese teachers are men.
In many Japanese schools do not have cafeterias. Therefore, the children have lunch right in the classroom.
In the Czech Republic holidays in school students are only winter and summer. Summer holidays last only 2 months.
In Czech schools use the following system of knowledge assessment: children receive a mark from 1 to 5. Where 'unit' is considered the best mark, but 'five' is the worst.
Almost every teacher in Czech school teaches several disciplines. For example, the same teacher can lead math and physical education, other - chemistry, singing and Czech language...
Finnish teachers never call a student to answer, if he does not Express such desire. The flaunting of the shortcomings of one student in front of others is unacceptable.
In Finland in the class has 2 teachers: the teacher and his assistant.
In the Finnish school during recess after each class, students go outside regardless of the time of year.
In the senior classes of schools nationwide instruction is combined with work, conducted intensive career guidance of children. Students in urban schools for 5-7 weeks in a year go to agricultural work.
Director of the Swedish school has the right to transfer an apt pupil, with the consent of his parents, to the next grade during the school year.
Academic couple in Chinese universities lasts for 40 minutes.
Winter vacation in schools in China continuing from late December until early February. At this time the country celebrates the Chinese new year.
For the Irish children from 6 to 15 years school attendance is compulsory. But for students attendance is free.
In Norwegian schools there is a strict separation of students by age groups. Primary school students, 14-year-olds and 18-year-old young people do not learn in the same building.
Up to the 8th class in the schools of Norway there's no 'mark'.
In Greek universities students are given so many privileges that many of them prolong training for up to 30 years. Is absolutely free training, free medical care and meals in canteens, there are discounts on travel and much more.
German students enjoy discounts to museums, theatres and sports clubs. Student ticket to Berlin and travel. In Munich students have the right to a 25% fare discount in public transport, and those who live outside the city pay 75% less.
In Germany there is a tradition that parents give to their children-first graders, first day of school cone 'solitude' (Schultüte) – cone of colored paper filled with candy.
In America, parents can be arrested for having their children do not attend school.
Starting from elementary school, many of the lessons in American schools are of a practical orientation, children are prepared for their future careers. The participants are parents of students and tell the class about his profession.
The usual class size in the public schools of America - 35-40 people.
Many famous Americans, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Richard Gere, Tom Hanks, Walt Disney, began his post-secondary education in a professional biennial 'community' colleges.