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Professional Lyceum №6 in Almaty

Almaty, street kazybaeva, 270 +7 (727) 234-68-24, 234-68-62<
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Professional Lyceum №6 in Almaty of Kazakhstan educational portle

Professional Lyceum №6 in Almaty of Kazakhstan educational portle

Welcome to the page of our Professional Lyceum № 6 in Almaty. During the period of work provided a lot of different specialists in various specialties. The rich history of our College was created many years, ensuring an influx of new traditions and values. We process and organize information, analyze information and create a full curriculum, which in the end allows you to create a competitive population. We are located at Almaty, street kazybaeva 270. Telephone for information: +7 (727) 234-68-24.

The training is based on various financial and technical skills: 'maintenance, repair and operation of road transport', 'service center Manager', 'the Mechanic on car repairs', 'Driver', 'electrician on repair of automobile electrical equipment', 'Akkumulyatorschik', 'Welding work', 'turnery and metal.' Have excellent material resources and qualified teachers. In the school there are many rooms to explore specialties, a fully computerized classrooms. We prepare specialists for small and medium business, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our institution is a complete approach to practical work. Discounts are available to students who graduated from high school on 4 and 5, as well as students to students in well at our College.

Upon completion, graduates receive a state diploma. You will be able to continue training in higher educational institutions of our country and abroad. Our graduates always find good jobs due to only one of our College, as no other does not prepare employees for our unique specialties.

For admission to the school must pass the exam of KTA on a General basis, when entering after eleventh grade, a certificate of UNT is not required.

Waiting for you and your documents are highly skilled in our school and hope that the training in our College will bring you essential knowledge and will help later in life.


Арман Казбеков 26/09/2020

Отличный колледж

Михаил Галицин 15/08/2020

Очень очень хороший колледж рекомендую

Arina Tор 10/07/2020

Один из лучших колледжей в Алматы еще с советских времен. Отличается дисциплиной и профессионализмом руководства и преподавателей! Рекомендую!

Рахат М. 01/07/2020

Отличный колледж

SheFF-TAXI 23/12/2019

Очень организованно, дисциплина на ура!!! отличный колледж. Рекомендую!

Nikolay P. 02/10/2019

Здесь нормальное обучение ,

Всеволод В 06/09/2019

Отличный коледж. Хороший вариант для молодых людей получить нужную профессию и специальность!

Алматинский А. 06/09/2019

Наш колледж 3 раза занимал Гран При как лучшее профессионально-техническое учебное заведение по Республике Казахстан.

Ильяс Т. 12/04/2019

Хороший колледж. Мой сын учиться на 1ом курсе. Платно. Нет блатных. Основная масса учащихся обучаются по грантам. Очень жесткая дисциплина. Но по другому с мальчиками, наверное, нельзя. Колледж сотрудничает с многими автомобильными компаниями. Ежегодно проводит мониторинг по профессиям, каких специалистов требуется больше всего. В общем неплохо. Трудоустройство 90%, по словам директора.

Арман С. 20/03/2019

Очень отличное приложение. Удобно и практично

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