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Almaty regional College of innovative technologies in the field of service and nutrition

Address: Raiymbek Avenue-480a; Auezovsky district, Almaty city.Phone: 8 (7272) 68 03 98
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College of innovative technologies in the field of service and nutrition

College of innovative technologies in the field of service and nutrition

The College of innovative technologies in the field of service and nutrition is the best way to master a sought-after profession. Here you will learn not only theoretical knowledge, but also demonstrate everything in practice. Active students get the opportunity to complete an internship and benefit the College. Student life is also full of practical materials for acquiring the necessary skills. We conduct seminars with qualified specialists and use their experience to improve the educational process. We organize educational excursions along all known routes, hold self-government days and give students the opportunity to conduct classes for Junior courses. Parents of students can also make adjustments to student life.

The competence model is our set of behavioral techniques for determining a position in a particular category. This helps us achieve strategic goals and objectives based on a set of skills, knowledge, and professional experience. Proper use of the competence model allows you to avoid many mistakes and increase the competitiveness of the organization. The system should be aimed at: evaluating the quality of work, planning promotion, selecting staff, training and developing employees, developing a collective culture, and rewarding them for their activity. Our advantages: achieving the best results, developing human resources, increasing motivation, developing a common team, integrating ideas into a common project. For employees, all conditions for high-quality work are created: feedback from managers, clearly described standards and requirements. We select graduates and students to allow them to pass three stages of selection and make sure of their competence: internship and familiarity with the work process, private employment, full-time employment. We expect from HR policy: the composition of highly qualified specialists, high wages, stable human resources, high consumer demand in the field of educational services. We will diagnose the level of potential of the teaching staff, determine the level of potential, adjust further work, make programs for future students, and make changes to the work of the teaching staff. We will also conduct events to improve the system of research work, organize professional skill circles, and perform intermediate diagnostics of our methods.

A teacher with effective communication skills is your path to market demand. Professionalism is essential everywhere, as is the ability to manage your skills. We teach: personal qualities of the industry, business and partnership qualities, interaction in the subject area, leadership qualities-which are necessary for future managers to successfully achieve goals.

Батыр Касенжар 05/02/2021

Не удобное расположение
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4 звезды за новые лаборатории

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Макс Д. 15/03/2020

Хороший колледж. Грамотные специалисты. Воспитанные дети)))

Nurlan S. 01/02/2020

Очень хороший колледж

Станислав Паксеваткин 10/01/2020

Бардак одни областник вечные драки пьянки и сигареты молод жи закрыть к чертям братишка отучился семестр больше не возможно учителя ноль в колледжи на информатики припадают ворд и как создать папку полный просто ноль и обучение не дешевле да и проехать туда как в лабиринте

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Tags: almaty, regional, college, of, innovative, technologies, in, the, field, of, service, and, nutrition
