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Almaty industrial College at ASTU

Almaty, Tole bi street, 106 +7 (727) 292-33-44, 292-18-88
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the Colleges of Almaty industrial College at ASTU

the Colleges of Almaty industrial College at ASTU

Almaty industrial College was founded in 1948, is the industrial technical school. The College belongs to Almaty Humanitarian-Technical University.

Our school is focused on the production of furniture and derevoobrabotki, machinery and electronics, maintenance of vehicles and operation of vehicles.

To date, the College renamed the Eurasian College of Technology and has 40 teaching laboratories and classrooms, four large workshops, equipped with the most modern standards, the school is fully computerized embroidery machines..

The training is conducted on the basis of nine and eleven classes, the certificate of Uniform National Testing is not required for submission. The maximum period of study is 3 years and 10 months.

All testing, evaluations and training schedules it is possible to see in the electronic system of Platonus. So keep an eye on their academic performance not only in the classroom but also on the Internet by logging on to our portal.

Our students enter the dance ensemble 'Karlygash' and win prizes in Almaty, dancing only national Kazakh dances. Students playing on dombra included in the special orchestra 'dombyra-Dastan' and play a rather interesting musical composition worthy of a great people.

At the University we have a Museum that is educational and cultural. There are exhibits and materials which represent the most significant events of University and College, including prizes and certificates. The Museum is an important component in the life of the College and University, there are such important events as lessons, lectures and thematic tours.

Our College took pride of place in the top 150 in the international rating among the countries of Europe and Asia. And Our teachers were awarded with honorary signs and diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Brunomartinious 07/01/2021

Обучение как и во всех учебных заведениях. Учителя крутые, корпус в ету теперь

Rina R. 08/11/2020

Крутой ВУЗ

Voodoo people 03/03/2020

Тупые студенты

Бахтияр 05/02/2020

Не стоит того делать.

Берик Даулов 09/11/2019

Хорошее здание

Олжас М. 15/09/2019

Это теперь общежитие)
Сдание рушится, вс грязно, с сади свалка, не возможно!(((

Юрий М 31/08/2019

Хотите пройти по харчкам? Хотите послушать Кайрата Нуртаса и вопли студентов по ночам из общежития? Тогда вам сюда. Место сбора аульной шпаны именно здесь

Ibraimov Daniayr 05/11/2018

Не поступайте просто потратите время. Как студент говорю

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