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Almaty College of music. P. Tchaikovsky

Almaty, Manas St, 13 +7 (727) 242 35 68
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the Colleges of Almaty College of music. P. Tchaikovsky

the Colleges of Almaty College of music. P. Tchaikovsky

Almaty College of music Tchaikovsky is the first school of music in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The College was opened in 1931, the decision of the CPC on January 13 of the same year and was called Alma-ATA music College.

Now teaching in our school is the most experienced trainers — people's artists of Russia and Kazakhstan. Here you can learn to play the piano, guitar, dombyra, flute, harp, drums, saxophone and many other instruments, as well as various items the singing of type 'vocal' 'singing' 'music Theory' 'Conducting'.

In the first musical the College President and various orchestras of the Kazakh, Russian and Uyghur folk instruments. The future of our College is the development of educational, spiritual and cultural issues. We provide not only annual tuition but also private and group series of lessons on various musical instruments. Even if you have no voice and hearing, we can help you, teach you to properly use your vocal chords and to play various instruments.

Our College is one of the most popular musical institutions in the country, giving secondary special education, which produces teachers of music and art. The main priority of our College is its development as a Center of Education.

Director is Birzhan hasangaliev Eskendirovich, are also studied in our College of music, and to the position entered in 2015. Has six different awards and is a winner of various awards.

For admission to the school must pass several creative exams on General grounds, when entering after eleventh grade, a certificate of UNT is not required.

Waiting for you and your documents are highly skilled in our school and hope that the training in our College will bring you essential knowledge and will help later in life.

Полина Т. 17/11/2020

Хороший колледж, сама учусь там! Все достойно. Самые лучшие преподаватели!!!

Диас С. 29/09/2020

Хороший колледж и люди добрые )))

Райымбек Н. 12/07/2020

Наш колледж

Kamila 19/05/2020

Одно из лучших заведений учебных заведений нашей Республики.

Лаура Б. 14/05/2020

Нравится то что конкурсы проводят там

Мадина Е. 28/02/2020

В их общаге живут родственники

Igor P. 15/02/2020

Нет стоянки рядом, при наплыве людей парковаться не где.

Аида Карим 14/07/2019

Отличный колледж. Сын учится на педпрактике.

Азиз т. 19/05/2019

Рядом классный ХОСТЕЛ всем рекомендую

Валерия Недлина 13/06/2018

Уютная обстановка, располагающая к творчеству. Самоотверженные педагоги, влюбл нные в профессию.

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