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Aktobe medical College

Aktobe city, St Shernise 188 (7132) 40 04 82
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Aktobe medical College for educational portle Kazakhstan

Aktobe medical College for educational portle Kazakhstan

Medical College in the city of Aktobe has quite a long history. The College was founded in 1935. At that time it was called the school of nursing and the training took place within two years. To date, the College has been rebuilt, refitted, added many new specialties.

Now in College there is a conference hall on 150 places, the Center of Health. Organized College clubs, where students have fun and relax. There are mugs of hygiene, dancing. Since 2001 there is the newspaper 'Skypager'. The area of the library of the College is 92 square meters, and the book Fund is in the order of 70,000 copies.

The library is open on the first floor of the main building and in the dormitory, the whole area of the library is 240 square meters. Our books are stored not only in paper form and on electronic media. Each library has 60 beds and 8 laptops with Wi-Fi module. Instructional books in electronic form available to each student, and their number reaches thousands.

The students of our College are actively promoting voluntary assistance to provide medical services to elderly people in nursing homes and participate in the group 'Mercy'.

In 2012 was built a new dormitory, the latest technology, for up to 150 people. It is located on the street ASAU Barack, 39. The building includes three floors, a private fenced area, fence, beautiful fountain and garden, Playground. The main purpose of the hostel is education and comfort to the students of our educational institutions.

For admission must provide the admissions Committee an authentic certificate of completion of nine or eleven classes, a medical certificate 086у and 4 photos of size 3x4 cm;

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