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Music College named after A. Zhubanov in Aktobe

Aktobe, Sherniyaz str., 31 +7 (7132) 21-08-46
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Music College named after A. Zhubanov in Aktobe on the educational portal of Kazakhstan

Music College named after A. Zhubanov in Aktobe on the educational portal of Kazakhstan

On August 18, 1971, the Zhubanov music school was established in Aktobe. At that time, the school that existed in the city of kultprosvet could not close the lack of personnel in the music profession, so it was decided to open a new professional school, which was a timely and necessary event of those times. In 2011, Aktobe music College became the only educational institution whose students were employed 100%.

Training takes place in the following specialties: "Piano", "Wind and percussion instruments", "String instruments", "Folk instruments", "Choral conducting", "music theory", "Singing", "Socio-cultural activities and folk art". We have an excellent material base and qualified teachers. The educational institution has many classrooms for studying specialties, fully computerized classrooms. We train specialists for small and medium-sized businesses, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our educational institution is full proximity to practical work. Discounts are provided to applicants who graduated from school at 4 and 5, as well as students who are excellent students in our College.

Upon completion, graduates are awarded a state-issued diploma. You will be able to continue your studies at higher educational institutions in our country and abroad. Our graduates will always find a good job thanks to only one of our colleges, because no other one trains employees in our unique specialties.

For admission to an educational institution, you must pass the KTA exams on a General basis, for admission after the eleventh grade, a certificate of passing the UNT is not required.

We are waiting for you and your documents in our highly qualified educational institution and hope that studying at our College will bring you the necessary knowledge and help you in your future life.

Асыл 24/06/2020

Ооо это старое образовательное учреждение музыкального профиля...

Халел Хан 25/12/2019

Колледж хороший. Понравился мне. Зал огромный, класный. . Преподавателями не общался, но там выходит такие одаренные дети. Например как наш Димаш Кудайбергенов.

Амантай Тажимишев 16/12/2019

Здесь регулярно проходит конкурсы. На это проходил республанский конкурс по академической пению. Моя внучка получила диплом лауреата 3 степени.

Сергей 22/03/2019

Колледж отличного уровня

Акмарал М. 21/01/2019

Хороший колледж

Руслан А. 12/07/2018

Классный колледж. Учился на бас гитариста, но не доучился. Нашел жену и бросил колледж.

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Tags: music, college, named, after, a, zhubanov, in, aktobe, *, colleges
