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Humanitarian-technical College named after A. Musin at the Balkhash

Balkhash town, karamende bi street, 17 +7 (71036) 6-64-64, 4-27-16<&a
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Humanitarian-technical College named after A. Musin to Balkhash in Kazakhstan educational portle

Humanitarian-technical College named after A. Musin to Balkhash in Kazakhstan educational portle

Balkhash humanitarian - technical College named after A. Musin is one of the oldest colleges in the Karaganda region. Material-technical base has well arranged workshops, classrooms and offices. Annually increased technical equipment of educational institutions and quality of training of specialists for the modern labor market.

We have trained in the field of 'Operation, repair and maintenance of railway rolling stock', 'Organization of transportations and traffic control on railway transport', 'Preschool education and training', 'Physical culture and sport', 'Technology', 'Music education', 'Management', 'Accounting and audit', 'Machining, instrumentation and automation engineering', 'Thermal maintenance and heating system', 'maintenance and repair of electrical equipment', 'Primary education'.

We create all conditions for learning and proper education of students, improve the system of trilingual education and educate the leaders of his craft.

Upon completion, graduates receive a state diploma. You will be able to continue training in higher educational institutions of our country and abroad. Our graduates always find good jobs due to only one of our College, as no other does not prepare employees for our unique specialties.

For admission to the school must pass random creative examinations on General grounds, when entering after eleventh grade, a certificate of UNT is not required.

Waiting for you and your documents are highly skilled in our school and hope that the training in our College will bring you essential knowledge and will help later in life.

Александр Ерохин 29/03/2020

Обучение быстрое и понятное, преподаватели добрые, вид отличный

Саша Москаленко 18/02/2020

Буду тоже там учится

Alexander 12/02/2020

самый хорошоий

Ирэн К. 02/01/2020

Экономят на отоплении и электричестве

Mon Ib 15/11/2019

Самый лучший колледж который в балхаше

Armina_kim_v 12/05/2019

Самый лучший колледж который есть в Балхаше

VAXL 07/04/2019

Обучался там по профессии.

Ирина З. 04/12/2018

Один из наилучших колледжей в Карагандинской области г.Балхаш

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