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Higher, Karaganda Polytechnical College

Karaganda, the prospect of Bukhar-Zhyrau, 9 +7 (7212) 41-17-15, 41-17-18<
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Higher, Karaganda Polytechnical College - Colleges

Higher, Karaganda Polytechnical College - Colleges

In 1931 was founded the Karaganda Polytechnic College. Over its 88 years of operation, the College has produced more than 100 000 specialists of different profiles and specialties. The school includes four buildings in different parts of the city, in all cases there are more than one hundred audiences for more than thirty laboratories, training mine and locksmith workshops. For teaching students there are two full-fledged library with a book Fund of more than 80,000 copies. There is also a medical center and a private Dorm. Currently in College studying 4816 15 students in relevant technical specialties: 'Open development of mineral deposits, Construction of underground structures', 'Underground mining', 'maintenance and repair of mining Electromechanical equipment', 'Electrical equipment of electric stations and networks', 'heat power engineering installations of thermal power plants', 'maintenance, repair and operation of road transport', 'Construction and operation of buildings and structures', 'Electronics and communication', 'Technology and organization of production catering', 'Protection in emergencies', 'Information systems, Computing and information systems', 'Organization of transportations and traffic control on transport', 'Organization of transportations and traffic control on railway transport', 'Fire safety'

Upon completion, graduates receive a state diploma. You will be able to continue training in higher educational institutions of our country and abroad. Our graduates always find good jobs due to only one of our College, as no other does not prepare employees for our unique specialties.

For admission to the school must pass the exam of KTA on a General basis, when entering after eleventh grade, a certificate of UNT is not required.

Waiting for you and your documents are highly skilled in our school and hope that the training in our College will bring you essential knowledge and will help later in life.


Вадим К. 25/03/2021

Классные учителя из минусов только форма ч рный низ белый верх

NeKit Mr 21/06/2020

Нууу такое

Анжелика Рубинова 20/02/2020

Все круто,люди открытые и дружелюбные, всех люблю, особенно преподавателей!!!!

Разия А. 16/02/2020

Ремонт капитальный срочно необходим

Оксана Л. 25/01/2020

Второй корпус от Карагандинского высшего политехнического колледжа, имеется общежитие.

Руслан Карпов 24/01/2020

Колледж конечно престижный, но есть одно но я там учусь , есть две негативные стороны, это то что у колледжа 4 или больше корпусов по всему городу, когда ид т набор , студентов приглашают только в 1 корпус то есть в главный он красивый и большой ! Но там вы будете учится только в начале 2 курса , и вот первая негативная сторона , там даже не предупреждают о том что реб нка переведут в другой корпус . А переводят во второй корпус всех 1го курсников это рядом с 1 корпусом, 2й корпус в состоянии как после войны ! Прич м не 1 год , а уже довольно давно!

Ақжол Амангелді 22/12/2019

Сам учусь, отличный колледж

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