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Rudny College of Music

Rudny, Lenin str., 30 +7 (71431) 4-53-19
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Rudnensky music College-found in the category Colleges on the portal

Rudnensky music College-found in the category Colleges on the portal

Rudnensky music College was founded in 1963, today the College is 55 years old. The age of the College is relatively small, but in terms of education — this is a fairly significant period. In 1971, the College moved to 30 Lenin street, where it is still located. The first departments that opened at the school were the departments of choral singing, piano, wind instruments and folk instruments, as well as the vocal Department. Fifteen years after the College was founded, creative groups such as the "Orchestra of folk instruments", "Ensemble of Russian folk instruments", "Wind orchestra", "Jazz orchestra" and various choirs began to form.

Training takes place in various specialties such as:" Instrumental performance"," Choral conducting"," music Theory"," Singing","Design". We have an excellent material base and qualified teachers. The educational institution has many classrooms for studying specialties, fully computerized classrooms. We train specialists for small and medium-sized businesses, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our educational institution is its complete proximity to practical work. Discounts are provided to applicants who graduated from school on 4 and 5, as well as to students who are excellent students in our College.

At the end, graduates are awarded a state diploma. You will be able to continue your studies at higher educational institutions in our country and abroad. Our graduates will always find a good place to work thanks to only one of our colleges, because no other one prepares employees for our unique specialties.

For admission to an educational institution, you must pass the KTA exams on a General basis, for admission after the eleventh grade, the certificate of passing the UNT is not required.

We are waiting for you and your documents in our highly qualified educational institution and hope that studying in our College will bring you the necessary knowledge and help you in your future life.

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