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Ridder Multidisciplinary College

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Ridder Multidisciplinary College

Ridder Multidisciplinary College

We are glad to welcome you on the page of our Ridder multidisciplinary College. During the period of work, a lot of specialists of various profiles were trained in various specialties. The rich history of our College has been created for many years, providing an influx of new traditions and values. We process and systematize information, analyze the received materials and information, and create a full-fledged curriculum from them, which ultimately allows us to create a competitive population of the country. We are located at 86 Ostrovsky street, Ridder. Phone for inquiries +7 (72336) 47-32-03.

Training takes place in various financial and technical specialties. We have an excellent material base and qualified teachers. The educational institution has many classrooms for studying specialties, fully computerized classrooms. We train specialists for small and medium-sized businesses, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our educational institution is its complete proximity to practical work. Discounts are provided to applicants who graduated from school on 4 and 5, as well as to students who are excellent students in our College.

At the end, graduates are awarded a state diploma. You will be able to continue your studies at higher educational institutions in our country and abroad. Our graduates will always find a good place to work thanks to only one of our colleges, because no other one prepares employees for our unique specialties.

For admission to an educational institution, you must pass the KTA exams on a General basis, for admission after the eleventh grade, the certificate of passing the UNT is not required.

We are waiting for you and your documents in our highly qualified educational institution and hope that studying in our College will bring you the necessary knowledge and help you in your future life.

Сергей Сес лкин 16/07/2020

Единственное учебное заведение в городе, где учат бесплатно.

Ната Сес лкина 10/04/2020

Не нравится. Особенно те кто в ней учится

Антон Проскурин 01/04/2020

Отличный колледж

Нат Ник 30/03/2020

Отличные преподаватели!

Дарья Корчуганова 05/09/2019

Хорошее заведение для получения среднего-специального

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