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School-Gymnasium №92 in Karaganda

Karaganda yerubayeva, 43 a
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School-Gymnasium №92 in Karaganda on the educational portal of Kazakhstan

School-Gymnasium №92 in Karaganda on the educational portal of Kazakhstan

According to the Ministry of education of Kazakhstan № 294 dated 06.05.2003 year high school is an experimental platform on introduction of 12-year education, with 09.02.2011 year according to the order № 42 of the Ministry of education and science introduced in the national pilot project on introduction of electronic education "e-leаrning".

Language of instruction: state. Foreign language – English is studied in grades 3-4 as a variable component, from grade 5 – an invariant component.

Specialized areas are natural-mathematical and social-humanitarian.

The gymnasium has 68 teachers, 42 of them have the highest and first categories. Of these outstanding students – 2 Honorary workers of education – 1, of holders of the badge to them. S.Altynsarin – 1 awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education – 5. Teachers of gymnasium work in the creative workshops of the Republic, region and city for the testing and examination of books, 4 teacher – authors of textbooks and teaching materials textbooks 12 years of education, 3 teacher are freelance employees of the National testing Center under the Ministry of education.

Over the past four years, 7 graduates have received the" Altyn belgi " certificate, 14 - certificates with honors. 14 graduates of the gymnasium are fellows of the presidential program "Bolashak" and students Of universities in England, America, the Czech Republic, Russia, China, and Prague.

For 20 years, an ethnographic Museum has been working in the gymnasium in order to develop moral and spiritual education of the younger generation, which has been included in the UNESCO collection since 2005.

Gymnasium No. 92 is among the 5 best schools in the city according to the results of the Republican Olympiad at the city level, among the 10 best schools in the city and the 100 best schools in the Republic according to the results of the UNT.

Director of the school – Musina Ayman orazovna, winner of the medal "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Анатоли Гучук 10/06/2020

Начиная с директора,педагогического состава,технического состава. Отличный коллектив!Как одна семья!Всего вам хорошего!В вашем труде.Спасибо Всем!

Йоган 21/04/2020

Очень удобно проходить мимо!
На поле мало спорт инвентаря.

Андрей Тураров 07/02/2020

Там вопше ремонт не очень! Учителя нормально не учят!

Серикбол Жолтай 31/01/2020

Хорошие учителя, сам выпускник этой школы

Валерий Владимирович 20/09/2019

Учителя проффесионалы. И со спортом для детишек вс в порядке

Каныч 04/09/2019

Долго обслуживают

Nurdaulet Khasenov 01/11/2018

я учусь и мама моя работает хорошие знания

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