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5В110400 — Medical preventive care

Specialnost 5В110400 — Medical preventive care. Profile subject at UNT in Biology.
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Specialty - 5В110400 — Medical preventive care

Specialty - 5В110400 — Medical preventive care

5В110400 — Medical preventive care. This specialty is very popular in modern society. Modern ecological situation too ahead of knowledge of modern people, so to combat environmental diseases, and created this specialty. Various educational disciplines allow students to become generalists. Various medical devices, which students will learn in years of study, will allow to spare patients from various diseases and make a proper diagnosis.

To work graduates can in hospitals, laboratories, research institutes, industrial enterprises and production and in other medical organizations of private or public type.

For admission to the faculty 'Medical-preventive work' you need to pass Biology, that is, to take into account points at the UNT, and, in particular, the number of points for the profile subject. In Kazakhstan in this specialty can be done in seven different Universities. It is important to know not only the profile subject, but subjects such as History, Chemistry and Physics. These items will help you in the development of the specialty.

New student requires a lot of effort, because from the beginning student will do the lab work, various workshops in hospitals, the study of the structure of the bodies of animals and plants, practice on models and virtual machines and the foundations of molecular genetics.

For admission to this specialty annually allocated grants 67 — 44 23 Kazakh and Russian offices.

Wages of specialists of this profession starts from 135.000 45.000 to tenge, depending on qualifications and experience. Being a doctor, it is very easy to find extra income, providing assistance to individuals or ensconced in the establishment of the state type.

A sample list of items that you will need to learn in high school: biology, anatomy, genetics, breeding, physics, chemistry, mathematics, history of Kazakhstan, world history, political science, foreign language, and many others.

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