How will distance learning turn out in the opinion of teachers and students?

There is a lot of news about distance learning, some of which are myths that are fueled by the yellow press and fears of parents and students. Today we will talk about what teachers themselves and their students really think about distance learning, what they expect and what they fear.
Many teachers and students of Kazakhstan believe that there is nothing wrong with distance learning, in fact, there is nothing. The country's schools simply do not have a choice at the moment, they can either leave students without classes and teachers without work. Or they can adapt to distance education. It turns out to adapt not very well, but somehow. Most students and teachers think so.
Another question is what knowledge the children received with this form of education in the Republic. Schools and teachers, students and parents were not ready for such a dramatic and large-scale transition to distance learning. The Internet was not ready either. As it turned out, many students and teachers do not have Internet access and do not have devices such as a laptop. In remote villages and small settlements there is no stable Internet connection, many families have several people for one laptop and, of course, several children have simultaneous classes at once.
The main problems hindering distance learning in Kazakhstan are the human factor and the technical capabilities of the population, or rather the lack of them. In Kazakhstan, not every family has a computer, but everyone has a TV, and therefore online education has been replaced by TV and messengers.
Teaching on TV is difficult for several reasons. This training takes time to record such videos, they need to be edited, dubbed, and the necessary script for the video lesson selected.
But, despite this, many students and teachers note the lack of motivation to learn like this. Many people call this the main problem of distance education. Children are simply not used to learning this way and because of that, they do not master knowledge in the best way, since there is simply no motivation. And even more so, many parents themselves help their child in completing class and homework, often overdoing it and doing everything for the child. Because of this, the general knowledge of the child about the subject deteriorates, and his independence also decreases.
Another small problem is simply that the teacher can explain everything in the lesson and control how the children learned the material right away. It's just easier for the teachers themselves. Also, children cannot go live to the teacher and ask about the material that they did not understand. This is simply not possible. This is considered a disadvantage by the pupils of Kazakhstani schools themselves.
Another problem is the lack of socialization and communication between children. Thus, the child cannot behave normally in society and, because of this, does not assimilate some material. Communication has become much more difficult. It is impossible to communicate normally with your friends through instant messengers and on online broadcasts, which worsens the situation of children in society. This plays a huge role in their future, often negative.