the championship of Almaty on scientific and technological creativity

Information letter on holding of the open championship of Almaty on scientific and technical creativity
The Department of education of Almaty city with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation is holding an open championship of Almaty on scientific and technological creativity.
We invite you to participate in the championship of the students of educational institutions. The championship is held by categories – creative project engineering and robotics. Involved following age categories:
$1· I category – participants from 7 to 13 years (school)
$1· II category – participants from 14 to 18 years (school and colleges)
$1· category III (mixed) – the team consisting of students in schools, colleges, Universities and engineers, specialists and experts of partner organizations, with the age of the students participating teams to 24 years inclusive.
- The winners will be awarded valuable prizes and diplomas.
The situation regarding the championship is posted on the website of the Department of education –, and on the website
The time and place of the event: Almaty, Mahatma Gandhi 10 the building Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Leader of Nations, 19 may 2015 from 9.00-18.00.
To participate in the championship must submit an application in electronic form to the address asarkit@mail.EN in the name of Bolatbekov Aigul Sarkisovna until 24 April 2015 respectively form specified in the Annex to this letter.
Annex to the information letter
The form of application commands
for participation in the Open championship
Almaty at the scientific-technical creativity
valign='top' width='95'>
F. I. O.
teacher beats personals
No. | Educational The institution\organization | F. I. O. students at UD. personals. and age | The selected nomination, the name of the project (robot) | Contact information of the teacher(e.address, phone number | Description the engineering project \ robot |
The application must also enclose photos of the engineering project \ robot