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a New system of trilingualism

a New system of trilingualism

Each year the training of teachers for teaching the new programs, but in 2018 for training and retraining on trilingualism will be allocated to much is not enough – 7 billion tenge. The Senator doubted that such fast training can give teachers sufficient knowledge. Training will take a long time, and after it the teacher should be able to teach computer science, physics, chemistry and biology in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.

According to Sergey Ershov, teachers ' wages will be increased by 35 000 tenge. For 2017 has been allocated about $ 865 million tenge. But as it turned out, the budget for raising teachers ' salaries were reduced by 730 million tenge. For 2018 it is planned to allocate 2.3 billion tenge. The Senator asked the question, would it not be better to invest these funds for the training of teachers in universities and to future qualified employees who are able to teach in three languages?

The answer to this question was given by Yerlan Sagadiyev – work on this scale is a new challenge for Kazakhstan. This procedure started already this year, and in 2018 it will be possible to sum up.

He asked how many courses have helped teachers to learn to teach in English and how much money was invested in this case.

Answering a question of Deputy Yerlan Sagadiyev emphasized that the work on such a Grand scale is new to our state. A great experiment began this year and next, according to the obtained data will help to make certain adjustments to the schedule for the preparation of teachers and in the schedule of the transition to teaching in English in the broader discussion that will take place next year.

This year, as an experiment, began teaching English, teaching began 1,500 teachers.


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